Wich People Already Received/are Going To Recieve The Devboards?


Dec 26, 2007
Which people already received/are going to receive the devboards?
can the people who received/are going to receive tell us what are their plans?(what they intend to port etc.)

thanks in advance
So far, Skeezix has already posted a very nice thread showing his unboxing of his devboard. probably only a matter of time until more start showing up.
what about the previous(mk0?) ones?

(can a mod please correct the typo in the topic title? thanks)
I've started to make a list, it's on the bottom of the first post of my Translations Thread.

So far it's skeezix, wesbrown18 and Cpasjuste, who announced it publicly.


what about the previous(mk0?) ones?

I can't remember if someone outside the core was mentioned to have a previous devboard. A list of the core-crew is in the Info Index.
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So, are all the devs who are going to receive one informed of that? That will mean that I will not receive one :lol: (and it also means that I'll cannot test the alternative-to-gmenu-with-xml-skins-and-widgets interface until the "full" Pandora is released ;) )
Vorporeal said:
Ouch. How'd you manage that one?
He tried to hack into the DRM-locked firmware. Unfortunately, the Pandora chips have the MD5 sums of valid firmware versions, so they self-combusted. It's all in the NDA, though, so we can't say a word.

Oops. ;)
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what are your plans notaz? blending the mk0? conquering the world?
what are you going to port? what have you already ported?
efegea said:
So, are all the devs who are going to receive one informed of that? That will mean that I will not receive one :lol: (and it also means that I'll cannot test the alternative-to-gmenu-with-xml-skins-and-widgets interface until the "full" Pandora is released ;) )
Not everyone has been contacted yet. I've been waiting to see how many and when boards will show up before contacting too many people. The US Thanksgiving holiday isn't helping things.

I do have three names on my personal list that I haven't contacted still. Your name was one of them. I just went through that topic in the developer section and based it purely on what people had written about their experience and what they wanted to do. I was worried that what you wanted to do wasn't going to fit the big picture of what is going on right now. The focus is kinda set and your idea, while neat, sounded like a different path. It seems like a nice project for later on but if Craig has different ideas, let me know. I don't get much feedback on who gets what.

I'd still like to find a few people with some great low level kernel driver writing ability plus a very good understanding of injecting new and existing code (from TI kernels and Beagleboard source) into the Pandora kernel and also adding to these distributions being worked on. I'd love to find some more superstars like Notaz! :) You can have a free kit if you happen to own a cloning machine. :P

Porting games, emus and homebrew stuff is not the focus of these kits. The payoff for that stuff will be the developer fund as it was intended to be used. Zodttd is a special case as you can imagine. He is a part of other projects too. Please don't feel bad if you aren't contacted about your own software efforts. As great as all of that stuff is, this push is about working on the polish of the system itself and things that will be in NAND at launch.

Anyone else sitting on the fence about whether they can help? Send me a PM and tell me about yourself. Developer kits won't cost you anything because this is a request for your free time and efforts.
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MWeston said:
Not everyone has been contacted yet. I've been waiting to see how many and when boards will show up before contacting too many people. The US Thanksgiving holiday isn't helping things.

I do have three names on my personal list that I haven't contacted still. Your name was one of them. I just went through that topic in the developer section and based it purely on what people had written about their experience and what they wanted to do. I was worried that what you wanted to do wasn't going to fit the big picture of what is going on right now. The focus is kinda set and your idea, while neat, sounded like a different path. It seems like a nice project for later on but if Craig has different ideas, let me know. I don't get much feedback on who gets what.

I'd still like to find a few people with some great low level kernel driver writing ability plus a very good understanding of injecting new and existing code (from TI kernels and Beagleboard source) into the Pandora kernel and also adding to these distributions being worked on. I'd love to find some more superstars like Notaz! :) You can have a free kit if you happen to own a cloning machine. :P

Porting games, emus and homebrew stuff is not the focus of these kits. The payoff for that stuff will be the developer fund as it was intended to be used. Zodttd is a special case as you can imagine. He is a part of other projects too. Please don't feel bad if you aren't contacted about your own software efforts. As great as all of that stuff is, this push is about working on the polish of the system itself and things that will be in NAND at launch.

Anyone else sitting on the fence about whether they can help? Send me a PM and tell me about yourself. Developer kits won't cost you anything because this is a request for your free time and efforts.
Thanks for your post, I fully understand that. I now know that the dev kits are only for kernel stuff.

I wanted one because EvilDragon contacted me about the interface, so the Pandora could ship with two interfaces and users could use whatever they prefer. That's why I asked for one, to have my interface finished at Pandora's release. But EvilDragon said that it's not mandatory to have it on release, so if the dev kit can be sent to a kernel developer instead of me, that's much better! :)
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Zoppe said:
will the devs keep the devboards/devkits?
I don't really know.

I think that once the final Pandora is out, no one will touch these any more. Maybe we will gather them up and use them for those drop tests and other tortures. :D
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MWeston said:
Zoppe said:
will the devs keep the devboards/devkits?
I don't really know.

I think that once the final Pandora is out, no one will touch these any more. Maybe we will gather them up and use them for those drop tests and other tortures. :D

Now _Thats_ a true engineer. Slaved over the design, suffered for the manufcaturing costs and worked with companeis to bring down the fil rate.

Then destroy them for torture tests!

/me cheers!

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MWeston said:
I think that once the final Pandora is out, no one will touch these any more. Maybe we will gather them up and use them for those drop tests and other tortures. :D
How about microfocus x-ray and some minutes in the GTEM camber?
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what craig & co, skeezix, wesbrown18 and Cpasjuste are doing with the devboards besides the kernel?