Man is a reasoning rather than a reasonable animal
I think the reason that saturn is so hard to emulate is that it has a very complicated graphics processor. I will either buy the gp32II or the projectninja thing, and I DEFINITELY WON'T buy a psp. PSP just isn't made for emulation and sony is totally against it (sony also got pissed when people were selling the psp in the uk, wtf is wrong with them, they are mad at ppl for buying their product?!). I'm looking foward to full speed snes emulation with sound , maybe sega cd (lunar games
) and of course all of the emus we have running on the gp32 with much better sound and speed. I am also looking foward to a lot of good homebrew, pc ports, and much more. Even if there isn't any psx or n64 emus I will probably get it just for some awsome homebrew and snes (I could spend my whole life playing snes rpg's