DaveC posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:02 AM said:
You did say that emus are not your main interest. That is mostly what will come out on the GPx2 sorry to say for you. Maybe it really isn't for you? If a PDA type device is what you want I am not sure this one will make you happy to be honest. It IS missing alot of what you like. It has most of what I want and doesn't have what I don't need so booyah! for me. But if it makes you happy enough to spend the money for one then do so. Remember the day you get a GPx2 your Zodiac won't evaporate out of your hands, you will still have it for your PDA apps, TS etc.
Emus are not THE main interest but still one main interest. The GPX2 will not be able to replace my Zodiac but I'll try to get used to carrying two handhelds. One of my interests in the GPX2 is that I want to change what it will become. You think there'll be emus mainly. Well, I hope there will also be a lot of awesome, indie, commercial games. It would be something that was not really on the GP32 but I'd love to see the GPX2 get it.
Next the reply to Hanz™'s post (#103) and maybe some following posts, too lazy to quote everything... Line break usually means new aswer to something else.
I blame GPH for not making the GP2X a better handheld. I hope you got my point now. If you still don't, oh well, maybe I don't have one...
Most people would prefer that the $10 be spent elsewhere or not at all...
1. What gives you the right to speak for most of the possible GPX2 buyers? How can you know what they want?
2. How can they know what they want? I don't think many people have had experience with touchscreen games or touchscreens at all. The DS is changing this, of course, but it still only shows pretty limited use of the touchscreen which is mainly because the screen is so small.
Ok, having read the comments below: So GP32 forum members did not see the importance of a touchscreen. That's hardly a surprise since many of them probably had no experience with it. But I think there are a lot of people outside the GP32 community that would be attracted by a touchscreen. Like... me! Only that I came here anyway. Well, what's the point of this discussion, the thing does not have a touchscreen. I hope the next one does.

The GP32 does have less quality original games than the Zodiac and that even stays true if you don't count the Palm games. It does have more emulators than the Zodiac because of the bigger community, the longer time it has been around and the better controls (and perhaps screen

) for emulation. Also commercial emulators don't seem to work. The big ones are also availiable for free, the small ones won't generate money. So the "more money --> more quality games" thing is indeed only true for games. (Or so I think because of my experience. You have to be careful what you say here...

I don't think it being difficult to use the CPUs effectively will make development for the GPX2 more attractive... Thats just an opinion though.
Of course non profit = low quality is complete bullshit as Wikipedia, Open Office, Linux etc. prove. Did I ever actually say non profit = low quality?!
I don't think the Zodiac failed because it was bad. I think it failed because of the same things that the GP32 nearly failed because. Only the GP32 got lucky because it was absolutely awesome and attracted a group of people who kept it alive. The Zodiac was awesome, too, but maybe not as uber-awesome as the GP32 was at it's time of release. It also found it's followers but it wasn't quite enough to keep it alive.
Yeah but Skeezix is developing for the PSP in a big way. He seems to really like it. If you like the ST you may need to have a PSP or GP32 to play that. There is no guarantee that he will even bother with GPX2 becaus ehe may not spend the money on one. I looks like the PSP is getting most of the devs, we will see if the GPx2 will attract them back or not.
Skeezix shouldn't have to buy a GPX2, let's get him one!
Hanz™, a PDA without a touchscreen (or good keyboard) is about as practical as trying to drink by putting your tongue into the glass, pull it out and swallow the one drop that stays on it. Sorry, couldn't think of a worse analogy, I'm not very creative at the moment. The point is that not everything that is in theory possible is relevant because it might be totally impractical etc.
But anyway, my main point is that - as features go, something like Internet support would be way more fun.
Internet support without touchscreen? Well, it could be nice for some things but a whole lot of it (like browsing and writing emails/forum entries) would be very impractical. By the way, can't it be done via USB or SDIO? Ok, just read you think it can. Also you should have marked above statement as an opinion since I think touchscreen would add more fun...
Let's stop the touchscreen madness. We can start again when we need to make sure that the NEXT GP device has a touchscreen. At this point we can conclude that we have different opinions about the importance of a touchscreen and that they don't matter because the GPX2 is not going to have one.