Why ...Pandora ?

If you want a laptop, get a laptop. The Pandora isn't built to compete with laptops, it's built to satisfy the needs of a particular niche and if you're apart of that niche, you'll love it.

I actually just wrote a blog post that sums up why the Pandora is my favourite mobile device, and why, if I needed to, I'd buy one again without hesitation. It is here. You may like it for different reasons, and as you can tell from the other posts here, there are a lot of reasons why you might like it.
wow, nobody mentioned the Amazing Sound Quality :)

also another reason I like the pandora is because it's open, if there's something you don't like, just change it

MWeston was kind of an Audiophile so he choose nice DAC

Also name an MP3 player with analog volume control, drives 150ohm cans to a decent level, 8+hours of music and can play any format you throw at it
(no delete key, no modifier key input assistance, clipboard not shared between apps, …)
The Delete key can be accessed with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. (I know, not what you would usually expect from that combination on a x based system, but it works, [Edit]except in terminal for some annoying reason[/Edit] and can be shifted if you want to e.g. delete a file in thunar )

As to the original topic of the thread, almost all my own reasons have already been expounded by other members of the community. I do want to add the high novelty factor to the list though, and then there's the whole dream machine aspect. Put simply, this is a device I imagined and wanted before I knew it existed, so there's a lot of satisfaction to knowing I now have my dream device.

- Neelix
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  • Going on a train ride? You cannot use the netbook comfortably unless you have a table. And the battery usually only runs for 3 .- 4 hours. With the Pandora, I can sit anywhere and play / work and the battery is fine for 12 hours. Additionally, while on a trip, if I have to change trains, all I do is close my Pandora, put it in my trousers and continue playing later. A netbook needs its own bag, etc. It's not as mobile as a Pandora.

This is exactly what I found yesterday on the train. The lady next to me was watching a film on a macbook and half way through the journey the battery ran out. On the pandora though I watched some videos, played some GBA and at the end of the journey could just pop it in my jacket pocket with 6 1/2 hours of battery remaining.

MWeston was kind of an Audiophile so he choose nice DAC

Also name an MP3 player with analog volume control, drives 150ohm cans to a decent level, 8+hours of music and can play any format you throw at it
In SuperZaxxon with kernel 3.x, music playback is now about 43 hours! Check my study.
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MWeston was kind of an Audiophile so he choose nice DAC

Also name an MP3 player with analog volume control, drives 150ohm cans to a decent level, 8+hours of music and can play any format you throw at it
In SuperZaxxon with kernel 3.x, music playback is now about 43 hours! Check my study.
little less if you drive an external dac ;)
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