Should I Upgrade?

Should I get a new Gamepark?

  • No - stick with the nonlit one you have

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - Get a FLU

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - Get a BLU

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 16, 2004
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I hope that this place doesn't care about poll usage that much, or at least that this is a good poll question. Anyways, here's my story:

I have had my gp32_console for just over 2 weeks and I really love it. It overclocks to 156 and that's fast enough for me. (though it couldn't hurt if it was faster) Now, I wish that it was a little bit better in low light, and no light for that matter, so I am considering selling my baby (the gamepark, I don't have any kids yet thank God :P ) to get a FLU or BLU, especially since Lik Sang has them much cheaper than I expected (yeah, I know, GBAx has the best service and all, but I don't want to pay for the extra cost) so I am weighing out the possibilities and here's what I think:

non-lit: won't cost anything extra, since I already have it. Will have to stay at 156 MHz. Limits playability of gamepark at times.

FLU: little cheaper than the BLU, better battery life, prone to problems at times, may not clock as high, and I'm the kind of guy that is not picky about the color being washed out (though I do see a slight difference)

BLU: ahh, the creme de la creme (or however you spell creme in that phrase) almost gauranteed 166MHz clocking, wonderful display, better firmware, but it is a little more expensive and batteries don't last as long, though I am using rechargables.

While I'm posting this, how much would a near-mint nonlit CIB GP32 go for that has a guaranteed clocking ability of 156MHz?
the blu dosnt clock better than the flu. and if you only/mostly play in darker konditions buy a blu, if you also want to play in sunlight buy a flu.
i think i will change my flu to a blu soon couse of the better display couse its brighter, i normaly only play in dark condtitions so its the best for me, i will buy a 180mhz one from gbax i think.

ps: i dont vote couse i think you should know it by yourself, and not buy it couse someone else says, if you are happy with your nonflu keep its.
spongebue posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:06 PM said:
BLU: ahh, the creme de la creme (or however you spell creme in that phrase) almost gauranteed 166MHz clocking, wonderful display, better firmware, but it is a little more expensive and batteries don't last as long, though I am using rechargables.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but:

1. If you want the BLU firmware, just flash your FLU or Non-FLU

2. Batteries are almost as long as in a FLU
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Kolkman posted on Jul 17 2004 at 01:19 PM said:
1. If you want the BLU firmware, just flash your FLU or Non-FLU
too afraid <_<

I guess that since I do use it outside, maybe the FLU would be better. There is still plenty of reoom for the BLU to catch up, though.
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I usually play in both well-lit conditions and dark conditions. I am either going for a GP32 FLU or a Zodiac, depending on if my PS2 sells or not. But for you, I would say it depends upon where you're playing it the most. If you're only going to be using well-lit conditions, use the non-lit. If you're only going to be using dim conditions, get the BLU. If you are going to be using both equally, get the FLU.

Edit: You got it before I could post. Good decision. And oh yeah, FLUs from Lik Sang now have the european firmware pre-installed.
I already get the 3 versions & I can tell you that the Blu worth DEAD ;p
In my opinion go Ahead & buy the Blu version (lik-sang price is soooooo attractive !)
concerning the battery life, with my 2500mA I got exactly the same lasting than with the Flu version so there's no problem here :P
and every Blu is certify to get at less @ 166Mhz ;)
Tidus posted on Jul 17 2004 at 06:40 PM said:
I already get the 3 versions & I can tell you that the Blu worth DEAD ;p
In my opinion go Ahead & buy the Blu version (lik-sang price is soooooo attractive !)
concerning the battery life, with my 2500mA I got exactly the same lasting than with the Flu version so there's no problem here :P
and every Blu is certify to get at less @ 166Mhz ;)
I completely agree with all you said! :D
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Drumaster posted on Jul 17 2004 at 06:43 PM said:
CrazyDesi posted on Jul 17 2004 at 06:16 PM said:
We are all trying to see if Lik-Sang is lieing or is telling the truth. Hopefully when people get it they will post how fast it goes. For now look at this thread:
Or if GBAX is lieing...;)

We want to know who is lieing in fact. :)
Thats why I asked people if they did the overclocking mod.
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for people in the uk, wouldn't gbax be better value because delivery and then custom charges would make it at least £30-£40 more expensive from lik-sang
Dante posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:19 PM said:
for people in the uk, wouldn't gbax be better value because delivery and then custom charges would make it at least £30-£40 more expensive from lik-sang
Nope, it's pretty cheap and if you ask them to reduce the invoice to avoid tax, they'll do it. Bingo, no tax.

It's cheaper from lik sang, but easier to get replaced if anything goes wrong from gbax. Your choice.
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spongebue posted on Jul 17 2004 at 11:07 PM said:
New question: does the BLU look ok outdoors with the light on?
Not as well as the FLU.
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CrazyDesi posted on Jul 17 2004 at 08:43 PM said:
spongebue posted on Jul 17 2004 at 11:07 PM said:
New question: does the BLU look ok outdoors with the light on?
Not as well as the FLU.
This I don't understand for some reason. If the backlight looks better than the front light, then why would the front light look better than the backlight outdoors?
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Azure posted on Jul 18 2004 at 04:02 AM said:
CrazyDesi posted on Jul 17 2004 at 08:43 PM said:
spongebue posted on Jul 17 2004 at 11:07 PM said:
New question: does the BLU look ok outdoors with the light on?
Not as well as the FLU.
This I don't understand for some reason. If the backlight looks better than the front light, then why would the front light look better than the backlight outdoors?
It has a reflective screen I believe. I could be wrong though.
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I remember hearing that the screen type changed. That's why it looks so bad without the light AFAIK. At this point, I am probably going to get a FLU, especially since Lik-sang reflashed the firmware. I suppose that whatever I decide will need permission from my parents, though. ;) I think that if I explain the situation, and say that I really did consider saving up a bit more for a FLU, they might go for it. Also, my dad got a oteorcycle once, then got another one with a bigger engine a couple months later. This is pretty similar, so I can use that as an example, right? RIGHT? :D
Without the light? We're talking about with the backlight on. I want to know why the BLU would be darker than the FLU when the backlight is on.
Azure posted on Jul 18 2004 at 07:04 AM said:
Without the light? We're talking about with the backlight on. I want to know why the BLU would be darker than the FLU when the backlight is on.
Because outdoors the backlight and frontlight make barely any difference at all. So they would both be dark, but as the flu has a reflective screen you can see it with natural light. The blu doesn't have a reflective screen so the colours are muddy and dark.
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