TaG said:
What exactly is it that Maemo will give users that people are assuming the standard OS won't? From what I've read people really want the stuff that is closed source. As we haven't seen the standard OS, it might have the advantages that people want.
Similar to the Ubuntu discussion, once you tinker too much with a 'distro' it is no longer that 'distro', it is not Ubuntu/Maemo anymore. Both may have uses for some, both may be useful for publicity.
I don't "want" closed source, but I'm (like a lot of people) have not much against it if it "free(like in beer)" and works... why not use it?
Edit: I just want to stay away from the big debate (reading the skype thread) about this in this thread. whatever position you have, and or you like it or not, there will be demand for "closed source" things like skype.
The whole reason why I bring maemo up is just because there is a decent lack of info on the "standard" OS -_-
It's IMHO just a nice distro and seen the fact there is already a decent "eco system" around it, I tought it would be usefull to explore the possibility of using it. If the "standard" distro provides the same easy interface/pool of working applications etc then there is indeed no direct need for Maemo, maybe some support for hildon is all that is needed on the "base os" but until we have some idea about that it might be good to simply start looking what is possible with Maemo. (It might be that there is a "showstopper" problem for Maemo that would need a huge amount of effort to fix.. donno - I never ported a OS/distro to a new HW system

I'm also under the impression (might be wrong of course...) that Maemo was then most "polished" /finetuned one out there (on Nokia tablets anyway - not sure how much will be actually missing if you strip out closed source nokia stuff), comparing with deblet or Ubuntu Mobile for example .
Maybe people who actually use Deblet or Ubuntu Mobile can comment on this?
But going forward, it's nice to see that there is interest and that there are people who also believe that Meamo
might be beneficial for the Pandora (in one way or another).
The main thing is that there is actually serious interest in having a more or less "polished" OS experience.
I still could not find any decent information on the "standard os" besides a few forum entry's here and there
or news snippets,
what is actually know about the OS that is foreseen to be shipped with the Pandora besides the fact that it's supposed to be "Angstrom"? Who in fact building this stuff?