Why Machines Like The Gp32 & Gp2x Are Imporant

WarmFluffyUK posted on Sep 4 2005 at 05:49 PM said:
lubidog posted on Sep 4 2005 at 12:02 PM said:
GiG posted on Sep 4 2005 at 10:01 AM said:
WarmFluffy, I love you!   :P

I second that. Great points as usaul from the Gaming Goddess!

Why can't my wife be more like her? The only game she wants to play is Lumines... (another simple great game!)

Gosh guys, you're making me blush now :wub:

Edit, By the way, At this moment I'm playing "Wheel of Time" So far the playability has been fantastic! Anyone else played this gem?

For PC? Played it a bit before. Kinda cool multiplayer modes ^^
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Yuglooc posted on Sep 4 2005 at 07:48 PM said:
For PC? Played it a bit before. Kinda cool multiplayer modes ^^

Not tried the multiplayer modes yet, I'm guessing it will be a little like Quake online?

I'm just working my way through the game (PC Version). One of the things I like is the surprises, suddenly there's a THUNDERCRACK or the floor gives way. Scares the beegeebers outta me I can tell you. Didn't Madness do a song about these kinda games, Cardiac Arrest :lol: ?

I'm also playing Rollcage, Phil (My fella) got me into this one. I'm trying to get good enough to do multiplay with him. Although, driving games aren't my forte', so far, this one is pretty cool. It kinda gives everyone a chance, no player has the upper foot (I mean hand, oops actually wheel).
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I agree with most of the points in this topic... A couple games have less save points. Online games don't have much for save points. In Rainbow Six 3, you either beat the level or you're starting over, no buts about it. Neverwinter Nights, however, I often save my character or risk losing all the experience and gold and gear I might have racked up while playing. But even saving that often doesn't mean the game doesn't get more challenging for me. One of my characters is incredibly powerful, and still some of the monsters get the better of him. Mostly those with powerful magic attacks and higher defences to physical attacks.
WarmFluffyUK posted on Sep 4 2005 at 08:24 PM said:
I'm also playing Rollcage, Phil (My fella) got me into this one. I'm trying to get good enough to do multiplay with him. Although, driving games aren't my forte', so far, this one is pretty cool. It kinda gives everyone a chance, no player has the upper foot (I mean hand, oops actually wheel).

That game is great, I hope you're playing it on PSX or PC+joypad.
It is one of my favourite racing games: you can play it for months and you can always do better... and you want to! And the soundtrack is great as well!
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mattbakse posted on Sep 4 2005 at 02:16 PM said:
And in Medal of Honor, there's always a health pickup for you lying around somewhere. They're more scarce in Medal of Honor than they are in Call of Duty, but the ones that are there usually restore more health... and you don't take damage as quickly in Medal of Honor. In call of Duty, pretty much every single German you kill will drop a canteen(which restores either 10 or 25% of your health, if I remember correctly), and there will be other things like first aid kits during certain "stages" of each level.

What difficulty were you playing on? On the harder difficulties they don't drop them nearly as much and they hardly restore any health.

In Call of Duty? Probably easy... it's been a while, so maybe they didn't drop them quite as often as I recall, but I do remember a lot of times when there were extra canteens lying around that I didn't need.
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I think what has spoilled a lot of gameing experiences has been the introduction of the gaming guides. A person will get this guide and use it to get through a game. Afterwards they are left unsatisfied. I think this is the reason you find so many games in a video game store that are used. I have seen a lot of used games and think, "Who in their right mind would give up that game?" One has to play games and experience the thrill of finding something by accident, like in Mario Bros. 3, "I just jumped on this musical note block that appeared when I bumped my head and I flew up into the air into the clouds and found coins!" This is only one of many examples that I know many of you can recall some of those type of memories. You play through that same section of the game again, it is still fun because you discovered it. You have a lot of video game mags and sites today that will reveal a lot of secrets of a game before you even get to the shop to buy it. Whats the fun in that? I think a lot of the casual gamers are missing a lot because I think they might be the ones that are getting the guides. The guides spoil a gaming experience.

I don't think a game being hard is maybe the correct term unless you are speaking of certain types of games. You need to be able to have to think and figure out what to do and how to get through a situation. ICO for the PS2 brings warm fuzzy feelings to mind as I think of this game. Wished there were more games out there like that. When it comes to difficulty, I remember recently getting R-Type Complete off of ebay for the PCE. My wife asked me if it was a good game. I looked up from playing it and smiled, "I only lasted a quarter of an inch into the screen," Yes! Yes! Yes! Some games are the "filled with wonderful surprises" type games and are there for the fun and adventure. Others are there simply for the story element.

I think game design has become sloppy in some games today in an effort to get the game to market for the money attitude and there are those games, I agree, that are put out there for the casual gamer.