Why I Hate Doom 3

What should I do about it?

  • Suck it up and hope my neighbors aren't too angry about the noise

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Try to sell it on Ebay and use my old card

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Return it and get another 6800

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Return it and get a Radeon 800 based card

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Return it and get a 6800 GT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tell my kids they can't go to college and buy a 800XT or 6800 Ultra

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Certified Guru
Jun 13, 2004
Just north of Mexico
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So...I was given a copy of Doom 3 for my birthday. At first this seemed like a good thing. But then I couldn't help thinking that I wouldn't want my first Doom 3 experience to be on outdated hardware. After much soul searching I came up with a solution to my dilemna. I decided to buy a new video card. So I did a little research and selected the Gainward card based on the nVidia 6800.

Finally, after waiting for several decades(Two days), the card finally arrived and I quickly installed it in my PC. I thought to myself, now I can enjoy Doom as it was meant to be enjoyed. I turned on my PC and ARGGGG. What in all that is holy was that sound coming out of my PC. I quickly unplugged thinking perhaps a small duck had flown into my case when I wasn't looking and was trying to fight his was out.

But no, apparently it was just the two fans on my new video board. HOLY S(*T, these things are loud. I used to live by an airport and the airplanes weren't NEARLY this loud. Not only is it loud but it is fairly high pitched. Distressed, I decided to go to bed and come up with solution in the morning. I walked down the hall to my bedroom to go to bed. The damn card was so loud I couldn't sleep, I had to get out of bed and turn it off!

So, the next moring I decide I will just return it and get a different card, but wait, the store I bought it from has a 15% restocking fee. So, on a $300 card that's like $45.

I have no idea what to do next. Please help me!
Now for a non tech heads advice. Blow it, and get all the dust and shit out of your tower. If that doesn't work, sort of shake it and flick it a bit. Worked for many a console, why not the PC? :D
take the fan off... get some electrical cleaner and Spray it into the Fan... Now Put the fan back on :P

Whats the rest of your systems Specs?
First, Send me your Old Card

Then Get Cinema Surround sound kit and turn it up full Blast and turn all lights off and play some God Damn DOOOM 3!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
can you get different drivers for it that would make the fan go slower
i'm not sure if that made sense...
i no you can change the xbox's bios to make its fan go slower