Why Fixed Price In Dollars?

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sure, but if it was fixed to pounds, the US people would moan...

come on, if you can not afford it for € 350,- you can not afford it at € 250,-

if the difference works out to be € 66,- that is just something like 18 beers in a pub. means one less drunken weekend. that would be a good idea anyways :)
The problem is not if you can afford it. You sure can afford it. The problem is the competition. If it is too much, people won't buy it. You can be sure that P. won't be the only OMAP3 device in the future. People will read reviews and decide if they want to buy for the price. For Europe it would be best to keep the price under 299eur, else it could become a shelf warmer.

For gamers Pandora is ideal because of the controls. But for UMPC interested people, there is more choice out there, and UMPC is where the money is IMO
kanzlr said:
sure, but if it was fixed to pounds, the US people would moan...

come on, if you can not afford it for € 350,- you can not afford it at € 250,-

if the difference works out to be € 66,- that is just something like 18 beers in a pub. means one less drunken weekend. that would be a good idea anyways :)
3'66€ a beer in a pub? wow.. here where I live the max I've seen for a beer is 1'20€, but tipically it costs less, although I don't know, I don't drink beer, but when I used to drink jack daniels + cola, I only had to pay 3'50€, or 4€ for "legendario" ron + red bull :D
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sure, but if it was fixed to pounds, the US people would moan...

But I thought the price of the dollar has risen. Americans can buy more pounds for one dollar now. The Pandora would even be cheaper for them.
MiniSinisterMinister said:
But I thought the price of the dollar has risen. Americans can buy more pounds for one dollar now. The Pandora would even be cheaper for them.
Production is in the US, and i'm betting, most of the parts are also from US company's. So, the end product there price point is based on this US price set.
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People stop your math. The exchance rates will change! Let the whole crysis thing to stabilize a bit. It's 3-4 month ahead. Stop bitching and wait. When you will be buying it - that's the time to bitch about exchange rates - not now...

God... WTF with people nowdays... we dont even have first batch made they bitch about prices for the second batch..

Please stop the whole paranoia thing.... It need to be stopped.... there like a week of paranoia, trolling and mass stupidity... Chill out people. Do your calculations, figure out beer prices and go drink it.
I think there's two sides to this issue:
  • Craig is making the price as low as possible. Let me repeat that: if the price went any lower, OpenPandora wouldn't make a dime (excuse the American term), and perhaps would even lose some!
  • The price is definitely high from the UK point-of-view (but that's not because the $->£ conversion to UK is bad, that's because the taxes in UK are crazy). I take that back. The price is only a few GBP higher than the original price. Don't know what people are moaning about. :P
javaJake said:
I think there's two sides to this issue:
  • Craig is making the price as low as possible. Let me repeat that: if the price went any lower, OpenPandora wouldn't make a dime (excuse the American term), and perhaps would even lose some!
  • The price is definitely high from the UK point-of-view (but that's not because the $->£ conversion to UK is bad, that's because the taxes in UK are crazy).
So, let me ask you guys a question: after reading this thread, as the owner of OpenPandora, what would you do? :)

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PoisonedV said:
javaJake said:
I think there's two sides to this issue:
  • Craig is making the price as low as possible. Let me repeat that: if the price went any lower, OpenPandora wouldn't make a dime (excuse the American term), and perhaps would even lose some!
  • The price is definitely high from the UK point-of-view (but that's not because the $->£ conversion to UK is bad, that's because the taxes in UK are crazy).
So, let me ask you guys a question: after reading this thread, as the owner of OpenPandora, what would you do? :)


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MiniSinisterMinister said:
How can you blame the devs for your own country's artificially inflated currency values? It's hardly a price increase, just a reality check.
That's true. When I orderd the Pandora and compared my euro price to the dollar price, I felt that the latter was a little steep and almost felt sorry the people in the US :D I was glad that the euro was strong at the time. Now it seems this will backfire for the people who are going to order next.

It serves us right ultimately. We chose to elect a bunch of wack jobs with no concept of the value of money, 8 years later the currency is in the toilet. The main reason the dollar is as weak as it is, is because we chose to fight a war we couldn't afford while simultaneously making tax cuts we couldn't afford. Had we chosen to pay off our debt or even properly budget for the war costs we wouldn't be in that predicament. High debt is one of the easiest ways to cut the buying power of a currency to shreds.

That being said, as somebody that is on the unfortunate side of that I was a bit miffed at my government for such gross negligence.

As for the euro, I'm not so sure that it is artificially inflated. There may be a bit of that, but it's not exactly a yuan or yen.

EDIT: I suspect I got the ordering backwards, which is why it's probably not quite the sensible reply it might have been.
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Produced in North America? Awesome. If there was one thing I had against the Pandora, it was the thought of it being made in China. But then again... Seems like everything is made there these days. So I really couldn't hold it against the Pandora team. I just figured that eventually I'd need to get another one as some stupid thing would break down the road, out of warranty, due to shoddy construction in China.
They are not raising the price.

The international exchange rate isn't in the control of the open pandora team.


If it is in their hands then I want to talk to them about my 401k investments :D
mechanizeddeath said:
Produced in North America? Awesome. If there was one thing I had against the Pandora, it was the thought of it being made in China. But then again... Seems like everything is made there these days. So I really couldn't hold it against the Pandora team. I just figured that eventually I'd need to get another one as some stupid thing would break down the road, out of warranty, due to shoddy construction in China.
I'm Pro America, but i was never aware that the U.S and quality manufacture went hand in hand with one another :P
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surely fanboys have to make irrational points in order to be so considered

so? what would you buy for the old price thats as advanced as the Pandora?

my enquiring mind would like to know what cheaper alternative you have in mind, after all, as the aforementioned fanboy I would like to know that my new epithet is correct, since I am obviously blinded to the alternatives by my "fanboyism" maybe you could list all these alternative better cheaper devices for me..


btw: I am WAY to old to be classed as a fanboy :-P
x68000 said:
mechanizeddeath said:
Produced in North America? Awesome. If there was one thing I had against the Pandora, it was the thought of it being made in China. But then again... Seems like everything is made there these days. So I really couldn't hold it against the Pandora team. I just figured that eventually I'd need to get another one as some stupid thing would break down the road, out of warranty, due to shoddy construction in China.
I'm Pro America, but i was never aware that the U.S and quality manufacture went hand in hand with one another :P

Yeah, no doubt assembling in the usa is better than chinese one (because parts are produced always in china, or the parts composing the .. parts are anyway :( ) let's hope the north-american industries involved in mounting our pandoras won't run out of business before shipping :lol:
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I'd like to clear up a couple mis-facts in this thread. The Pandora is being manufactured in Asia from primarily Asian components. The US dollar is still the standard currency for manufacturing projects like this and is accepted by all manufacturers / parts distributors on that continent. The retail price of the Pandora has to be a function of the cost of manufacture. If the manufacturing cost is set in USD, then the retail price must be set in USD.

Exchange rates go up and down, and this may mean that the price in a particular region might seem a great deal one day, and a ripoff another day. But what everybody needs to understand is that Openpandora is not a charity. They have to pay their bills, and the only way to do that is to sell Pandoras for more than what they cost to make. If you think it's too expensive, then don't buy one. Don't bitch about how "unfair" it is, or how it will "drive away customers", because those things are irrelevant. The only relevant thing is not going bankrupt, because if Openpandora goes out of business, there won't be any more Pandoras at any price.
Chip, can you quote where this has been said? Just as now lots of people are confused, as Craigix has said only recently that "almost everything (inc the pcb) is made in north America".
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