Why Did You Get A Gp2x?

emulation . .. c64 / sinclair / atari . .8 bit :)
i sold my DS when DS Lite was announced ..
and then focus on the GP2x
i was waiting for a good sinclair emu for DS and while waiting more "sneak-peaks" on the gp2x-dc-emu site made me a GP2x user :)
the amount of emus and apps was crazy then and so is these days
almost every day a new version .. almost every day
that time DS was a little baby compared to GP2x

thanks to all devs and gurus :)
Well I bought it for emulation initially with the idea of perhaps making a few games later on. Now It turns out I spend most of the time making games and little time actually playing - and when I do play I spend as much time playing homebrew games as I do emulated games.
craig threatend to cut the head of 4 small puppies unless i bought one from him

needless to say he still cut thier heads off, oh and for neogeo, and the thrill to see what the devs can do with the little fella(gp2x that it).

still dreaming of better c64, it'll come one day.(c64 emulation must be harder than PSX,snes ;) )
Original reasons:
1. Emulation - I wanted sensi and Defender. I got them and so much more.
2. Movies - for the train journey to work.
2. Development - to have a go at coding games again.

What I use it for:
1: Development
2: Emulation
3: Indy Games - some people call it homebrew, but the quality surpasses that tired tag
4: Community - seems to me people like to share on here. A *very* good thing.
Development, emulation, music and movies.
If I had one, that is. Still waiting for it. I tried to contact the online store I bought it from for days but didn't get a reply until I told them I would contact the police. :P (Note to self: try to digg up some dirt about an online store before placing an order and giving out creditcard details)

If all goes as planned, I will use my GP2X for development, emulation music and movies at the end of this week. :gp2x
I bought the GP32 because apparently it could do SNES emulation incredibly well (fully playable and full speed). I then purchased the GP32 and found out how sugar-coated/hyped up the comments were about the GP32's SNES emulation capabilities. SNES emulation was barely playable without sound. I eventually sold the GP32.

Then the GP2X came out and I was hopeful that SNES emulation would finally reach full speed. I was careful and waited 6 or 7 months. It seemed everybody was saying that SNES emulation was pretty much full speed and perfectly playable and everything. I then purchased the GP2X and found out how sugar-coated/hyped up the comments were about SNES emulation on the GP2X. It was playable to a degree, but compatibility and sound were poor (the stick & battery life were also pretty bad). I sold the GP2X.

More progress seemed to have been made on SNES emulation, and people were hailing SNES emulation as perfect, full speed, etc. About 9-10 months after I first bought the GP2X, I bought another GP2X. SNES emulation was playable with sound, but was noticeably not full speed (Especially with games like Tetris Attack; full speed to me is running at full speed with FS 0 or 1 and not going above that and getting jittery) and compatibility had not changed; I realized how sugar-coated/hyped up all those impressions of SNES emulation were. I again sold the GP2X.

Perhaps in another 9-10 months I'll buy another GP2X (though I would definitely make sure that it is a unit that can OC to high levels, around 280+; the other 2 units I had could only go around ~250). Fortunately, since the last time I bought one, it seems more people have gotten into posting videos on YouTube of the GP2X, so I can see for myself how good (or bad) emulation on the GP2X is.

It's all about SNES emulation to me :D
... me first thought about it as descent Mp3 player >_< with stereo speakers and needlessy placed buttons. I hope somehow I improved my outsights from that day...
I bought it because it is a handheld that encourages independent development and because of its active community (which taken together guarantee a stream of stuff to play with and an audience for new stuff).
... definitely bought it for old school emulation Frogger, Gyruss etc. Then I found that I could play more up to date arcade... and my favorite RGP's I missed as a kid... hmmm well still a kid at heart.

As a music player my PDA does a much better job... and as a movie player the PDA gives me more options... but as a gaming machine... I love this device. And as much as others have complained the one thing that makes this extra special to me is the option to use standard rechargeable batteries... rather than proprietory charged units. With a pocket full of batteries I would be good to go for a week. Went away for a long weekend and still had 5 pairs of batteries I never got to.

Once all the emulators are up to full-speed I am in great shape. In the meantime... things are just fine thank-you.
I have always known about the Gp32 and that it could do emulation and was a nice little device to develop on. I never did get one since I was to busy at the time and broke from just graduating college and jobless. Years later I hear about the GP2X coming out and I got pretty excited. Even though I had 1.0 Japanese psp I still was interested in the GP2X. So I followed this site and Wraggsters GP2X site. I finally saw that Mame was being ported to the GP2X, GNGeo2x was running really well, Amiga emulation was better than the psp, and DrMD was amazing. So in Feb 2006 I got my taxes, went to Play-Asia, and have been enjoying a ton of awesome emulators homebrew games and apps. I also got it for the TV out. One other main reason I picked on up was reading everything here on the forum. It is such a great community. It was nice coming here and reading the forums after coming from other...well...psp news sites.
I got mine for C64, MAME & SNES emulation and music on the go, plus that it ran linux (pissed off that Gamepark Holdings have only released the skinmaker app 4 windoze Grrrr....). And found that it could play movies, had a great community, lots of good homebrew games and lots of other emulators (I now play GnGeo more than the other emulators). Also now use it for reading books. The only thing that is a minor disappointment is that i can't use it as a pda, but then my ancient palm pilot is still going strong.
I bought my GP2X entirely for emulation - TurboGrafx-16/Duo and NeoGeo emulation, particularly. I've been very pleased with the latter and very disappointed with the former (sugarcoating, indeed) so I went out and bought a TurboExpress and a TurboCD so I could actually play my fave TG16 games, but I'd still love to see the day that TurboCD emulation works for titles like Gate Of Thunder, though I fear all the TG16/PCEngine emus have long since been abandonned... :( On the bright side, Pepone continues to improve GNGeo which is already beyond my expectations, and the CPS2 emu is a tremendous gift...