Who's on Hacker News (HN) ?


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
I think it's fairly obvious that several Open Pandora Community members are also active readers of Hacker News (news.ycombinator.com), so I thought it may be a good time to show yourselves!

Please share:

- your alias on HN

- how long you have been following HN

- what you get out of it :)

I will start :

- same nick as here

- about 2 years now

- A lot of connections + learning a lot about the latest trends in web design and coding languages. 
I don't bother with a registration, but I've been following HN for some years. And slashdot, still, though its not nearly as fun as it was 15 years back :P

HN + Stack Overflow ftw :)
ParadisoShlee. 777 days ago.

Mostly just trying to get my head around emerging tech.
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I don't check there regularly though have visited a few times.

I just clicked through again and followed a link to this game:


It's very good for a little puzzler