Whos got the best avatar or sig?

Whos got the best avatar or sig?

  • WaWaWang

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • or WaWaWang

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  • Total voters


Still Fresh
Apr 12, 2003
I vote for myself. two times
Just wanna say WHERE ARE ALL THE MEMBERS SIGS AND AVATARS? It would definetly brighten this place up. click here --> http://www.gp32x.de/board/
then click my controls at the top to get yours set up.
Just do a google search of avatars of your choice to find nice ones.
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I come froma forum that has very strict signature rules. Anyone who has a sig bigger than 200x150 gets banished from the forums. On the upside, the forum uses HTML, so I can use my flash sig.

Alas, I can't use it here, so I got my cat instead.
I have the best sig (just tell it to anyone softly for the first 3 lines, then real fast and hard on the last) and I promise that they will laugh ;)
Whats it like being a furry Dr Jones, do ya get harassed a lot?

EDIT: Just asking beacuse I visit a lot of websites which are very anti furry, somethingawful.com being an example (heh, im a forum goon there).

Im not anti or anything btw.
Football crazy, Sensi Soccer mad. :rolleyes:

Sorry if my sig offends anyone, but we all hate Utd - and they do have the highest percentage of players that look like animals :D
Kop_007 posted on May 5 2003 said:
Liverpool, UK. So, are you really the only Australian with a GP32?
Not any more :P

<-- Hobart Tassie, but I'm sure I'm the only one on my bus w00ting and cussing at pinball dreams.
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Big news! I f***king hate sigs with crap in them!

Sigs should have one or two lines of text, some links, maybe ... but NOT some huge picture that's midly interesting the first time but quickly gets boring. In discussions you might see the picture over and over on the page, for every post ... plus it slows the page for dial-up users and makes the page longer.

No offence to Avigrace or WaWaWang, but I'm not alone in thinking it's pointless to have a short post with a signature that's 5 times the post's length afterwards. I can cope with a few, but if everyone got huge sig images I would get angry.

That said I believe you can disable viewing of sigs. But then I lose out on people who actually respect other people's bandwidth and set their sigs up properly.

- Rico

i love your avatar :)

PS: what do you think about mine, perhaps only some of the German people know it. It is Bernd das Brot (or in english bernd the bread) it is from a german childern TV show...
I'm with Rico on this one, Wub's animated GIF one actually slows my whole machine down, and the one of the girl in a bikini makes it a bit harder to read the message boards while at work. If your sig is bigger than your post, that implies that who you are is more important than what you're saying. ;)
Swiss Cheeseman: I don't get harassed at all because I don't run around in public doing weird animal-ish things. Like every community, there's always a nut who'll give it a bad name.