Who wants to try XCade for GP32?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I've got XCade running pretty nicely on the GP32 these days; so far it only runs Space Invaders, Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr (the arcade versions); runs at full speed.. 150-200fps unthrottled or 61fps throttled (woowoo!). I'll add Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Phoenix, Pengo, and others pretty soon. (This is a port from my Palm OS version, so it takes about 30mins or an hour to bring each game over, as a few things have to be changed from Palm OS to GP32, thoguh the XCade core is now GP32/PAlmOS both :)

Is that worth letting out for testing, or would you rather wait a week or two for my games?

In total, XCade (this version) will onyl support about 20 arcade games, but its better than nothing until someone gets around to porting MAME :) (which'll happen sooner or later I imagine )

I would love to try it! I've been anxiously awaiting Mame functionality on the GP32. If I had any programming skills, I'd try myself but since I don't, I won't.

Hmm... personally, I wouldn't mind seeing what its like, although I doub't I'd use it much; I tend to be into newer games.
Were I doing it, I'd release it and then another game every so often for it... kinda keep interest etc. Also, stops the thing of people getting, say, 50 games available at once and never playing 45 of them - slow trickle of games means people get bored at about the rate the games come out, and actually end up playing the lot.
However, I'm not, so up to you... there's obviously interest, so can't be bad :)
I would definatly be intertested. I ut my order in for my gp32 at lik-sang on friday and should be getting it soon I hope and retro arcade games would be great toi star out with. I am a huge fan of retro gaming which is why the gp32 caught my attention in the first place. All I have is a nes, atari 2600 which I play almost daliy and love so the idea of playing retro arcade perfect versions of pac-man, donky kong is very aplealing. However since I do not currently own a GP32 even thoug it is in the mail I would be willing to wait until the emulator is ready for public release. Anyway it seems like you have been doing a great job so far porting this emulator over from anoter platfrom in a fairly short period of time. I just want to know since this one has seemed to go so well will you be attempting to port other emulators from there palm / win ce versions to the GP32 in the future?all I really want is a perfect speed/ sound nes elulater.
Sounds interesting, but most of those games don't really tickle my fancy. I guess I'm more interested in games I've played on actual machines, and all those were uncommon in my day (which wasn't 1980, unfortunately). Ones I would personally look forward to are...Ms Pacman, Pengo, Crazy Kong (the clone where you can do the level warp trick!), Galaga...that's all I can think of, before arcades started moving away from that sort of z80 type hardware towards the 6502's, 68000's and whatnot. It's a damn good concept anyway and all I have to ask is, what is it that needs testing anyway? If you just wanna release a pre-release preview or something, the demand seems to be here...

Another question: Does it use the current MAME romsets, or older ones?
Jeff - I'd love to try it now. As a said somewhere in an earlier thread, I'm one of the regg'ed users with the Palm version and have all roms.


Ill give it a test :) I test most of the stuff thats being made in the #gp32dev channel on EFnet as I post at gp32emu.com ;)

Mwhaha ive tested WinGP :D Are you not jealous? ;)-

I'd definately check out an "XCade" emulator. Sounds like a definate download. The Arcade games I'd love to see ported over to the GP32 are Gorf, Tron and Jungle Hunt.
That's excellent skeezix!

sure Space Invaders is rubbish,
but Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. are definately worth the effort,
and if you could get Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Phoenix, Pengo (and Pleids) working aswell that would be fantastic! :)

I still dream of the day i can play Star Force on my GP32, and something tells me that won't be too far off now :D

what do you do about the aspect ratio of the screen? all those games are vertical IIRC
I'd love to try this out , I think it could be a great alternative to MAME.

I'd be more than happy to wait until it supports a few games rather than just Space Invaders - which isn't one of my favourites. Pengo on my GP32? That's a great prostect!

edit: just seen the last post - thanks!
someone mentioned MAME, will the gp32 run newer games like alien vs predator or final fight.

Could the gp handle a dance dance game or port?