GP XCade 002!

Joecool posted on Apr 3 2003 said:
I just downloaded the Moon Cresta rom (Gremlin version with the epr. files) and converted them to XCADE format and then put the file on my GP32, the problem I have however, is that I get a message that says this is not a supported romset, it shows up on the menu to choose, but I can't run it. Anyone else have this problem? I have both Donkey Kong's romsets installed on my GP and they work with no problems, but no luck with Moon Cresta, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The problem with moon cresta is that Rommer spits out "mooncresta.pdb" and the GP32 can't have names that long; so you need to rename it to "mooncrst.pdb"; I should've just truncated it to "mooncres", but "mooncrst.pdb" is more traditional.

I forgot to mention that in the README :) (Rommer tools are for the Palm version, so need to change them separately.. no time :(

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Thanks for the help Jeff, I appreciate it. Great emulator by the way, still have my fingers crossed for Gorf on the XCADE. Take care. :D
So is it just me having problems renaming mame romsets to work with xcade? :(

i gave up on guesswork and downloaded a renamer tool called ROMBuild, but it seems it only supports pisces for xcade ... bah!
i've manged to get pengo to work by using - do a search on google for that one. if you do a search for xcade rom download then you should hit a russian site with most of the roms (sans moon cresta and pengo) - targetted at xcade 1.3 on PalmOS. Hopefully this info will not get me banned!

i've noticed that the colours are wrong though? more black and red than the blue on black shown below. could this be my rom pack?

No joy with the russian site ... but a search for "" got 5 roms in pdb format, but it was galaxian i was having trouble with. Hopefully this info will not get me banned!

does xcade support pleids?
i can find the site, but it's a broken link :o

anyway, i've patched together some more games to play :)

galaxian has corrupt graphics still, but we can't have everything handed to us on a plate can we? thanks for the help :D
stickofjoy posted on Apr 4 2003 said:
i've manged to get pengo to work by using - do a search on google for that one. if you do a search for xcade rom download then you should hit a russian site with most of the roms (sans moon cresta and pengo) - targetted at xcade 1.3 on PalmOS. Hopefully this info will not get me banned!

i've noticed that the colours are wrong though? more black and red than the blue on black shown below. could this be my rom pack?

Yeah, looks like my palette corrections didn't work for Pengo, so I'll fix that for 003 version :) Pleiades pseudo-works with XCade.. somethign is botchign it iup; I also plan on adding asteroids, ripoff, star castle, and a few others.

Right jnow my internet connection is shot, so I'm mostly off the air for the next week or so :(

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Hi Feeblez.

I have got a correct Galaxians set, I had to use two separate set and combine them (from an early MAME set I had on the old PC) Drop me a line if you are still having trouble and i'll help you out.
