I know you can get MAME for the GP32, but does anyone know if I'll be able to play Prehistoric Isle or does it just run the older Arcade games, (Pacman, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong etc.)
My mistake, I got my GP32 from gbax.com and they sent a cd with it, on which there is an arcade emulator made by craig, in the text file he says he's gonna make a version of MAME.
Is there anything this Ryleh guy isn't porting? I see him mentioned all the time on this board, but I've never seen a post from him. Then it just came to me: He clearly doesn't have time to post because he's porting everything (up to and including HAL from 2001: a space odyssey) to the GP32.
dont u think hal looks so cute with that lil red eye.....no hal dont kill me PLEASE DONT KILL ME HAL HAL HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.................................................................................