Who Has A Psp? Where'd U Get It From?


Jul 12, 2004
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hi, I've just cancelled my order for a ds and am now after a psp but i dont know where to order one from, i've looked at gbax.com & lik-sang (lik sang being about £50 cheaper with a game). has anyone ordered from either of these b4? also if i get wipeout will i be able to download the new content (tracks, music etc) as it is an import i'm not sure if i would be able to connect to the american/japanese servers. I dont really want a japanese import i'd rather have the u.s version, i dont want to try ebay either because there is far too many psp scammers on there and ppl listed as u.k but actually ship from hong kong,

also how much is the import tax from u.s to the u.k?

cheers for your help.

gary.mckeown posted on May 16 2005 at 10:58 AM said:
hi, I've just cancelled my order for a ds and am now after a psp but i dont know where to order one from, i've looked at gbax.com & lik-sang (lik sang being about £50 cheaper with a game). has anyone ordered from either of these b4? also if i get wipeout will i be able to download the new content (tracks, music etc) as it is an import i'm not sure if i would be able to connect to the american/japanese servers. I dont really want a japanese import i'd rather have the u.s version, i dont want to try ebay either because there is far too many psp scammers on there and ppl listed as u.k but actually ship from hong kong,

also how much is the import tax from u.s to the u.k?

cheers for your help.


Dunno why you would order a DS, as in blighty (assume you are in Blighty!!!) you can get them anywhere for amazon prices...?

But I got mine from Lik sang. You are very likely to be hit with import tax (i've ordered lots of stuff from them, and have always been caught! Always!).

GBAx will put the tax on top, so you pay it anyway (I think...), but you will get your PSP much quicker, and you have Craig on these boards, so you can expect good customer service (I know, Bronze..) I recommend GBSx highly!

But if you want to get a good deal, I can't recommend this company highly enough


I've now had 5 games from them, and never once paid import duty! They have PSPs there for £143.25. Postage is very low, and they mark items as gifts etc. Plus they email you with every step of the dispatch process, and every game i have ordered has got to me by 4 days! Plus they respond to emails! Top company that was recommended to me by another poster here!

So, GBAx or videogamesplus!
Avoid ebay-ask Quiest!!!

As to wipeout, I think if you get the american version of the game, then when the update for america is available then can't see any problem in downloading the upgrades! I think only the Japanese upgrades are available, but I read somewhere that the USA upgrade is coming soon. But I prefer Ridge Racer to Wipeout anyway! And avoid THUG2 (IMO).

But i DO like FIFA :P

Enjoy your toy :D
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just been on the gbax.com site gonna order a psp at the end of the month but i'm not liking the credit card charge for it. It says that you can pay by paypal for things on gbax.com but when i've gone through it its only letting me choose credit card :-(

please please please some1 help me or does any1 know where i can get the psp value pack + wipeout pure for £240 or under?

1 last thing
are the psp's from gbax the u.s psp's or the jap version psp's?

Cheers guys/gals

Videogamesplus.ca are the best in my opinion. Fast, cheap and reliable. Never ordered a console from them but they mark all my games down as gifts with low values so I have never had to pay tax.

You can play online anywhere. I play Twisted Metal online here in the UK....and can check for Japanese firmware updates.
Videogamesplus.ca is the best in my opinion (thanks lubidog). I ordered from them and can safely say you will have no problems with them. Mine took 6 days to arrive from the time i actually clicked the checkout button, I did not have to pay a penny in import tax either as they mark it down as $20ca value.

I paid a total of £195.91 for a psp value pack and wipeout pure including shipping to the uk.

1 x Wipeout Pure - PSP () = £23.17GBP
1 x Sony PSP System Value Pak - PSP () = £143.25GBP
Sub-Total: £166.42GBP
Tax (0%): £0.00GBP
Worldwide GB : 1 lb(s): £29.49GBP
Total: £195.91GBP

EDIT: Mine arrived in perfect condition and without a single dead/live pixel.

NO, I don`t work for them. :rolleyes:

yeah! that looks like the best option for you guys over there looking to get a psp. MUCH better than waiting till september for a psp that'll probably have a crazy new firmware.
i got mine from the Sony Metreon, and its awesome. As for whats the hold up in Europe go to www.mobiledeviant.com to see what the problem was.