While Waiting... What Would You Like To See?

EvilDragon said:
While I can't do a video of the assembly line, I can certainly do one which shows all steps involved in assembly from the beginning to the end, including our testings, so you can see what your Pandora has to go through before you receive it :)
good Idea. I'm interested to see how the LCD ribbon and the Hinge are assembled. I guess it's the most complicated part of the entire Handheld. :)
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I know that I've seen it :P , but regarding dosbox, maybe you could show W3.1 in native resolution ;)
I know that the links (and images) are down now (my @home net is down), but I could mail the .pnd's to you ED if you want.
Anyways, the post in which I posted the solution is there

EvilDragon said:
While I can't do a video of the assembly line, I can certainly do one which shows all steps involved in assembly from the beginning to the end, including our testings, so you can see what your Pandora has to go through before you receive it :)
This +100 :P
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skeezix said:
mrdremel .. fwiw, someone (Pickle?) ported Wargus, which is a fan-made engine for RTSW games, with a Warcraft module; ie: it loads up your original WC2 art/audio/etc, and will play the game pretty darned close to the original (but obviously a little different AI and such.) Runs great, since its not emulated.

Now THAT'S something that would be cool to see!!
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SteveM said:
EvilDragon said:
While I can't do a video of the assembly line, I can certainly do one which shows all steps involved in assembly...
I'd be interested to see the reverse - a disassembly video.

Just did that (well, except for the lid, only the basement).

Want to show it to Michael first, so that he approves it. Don't want to show wrong things here :)
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@mrdremel, I was requesting carmageddon because I know for a that while it would be a slideshow, it should at least load up. And if it at least loads, it may be possible in the future through qemu running wine or dos which is supposedly a much faster alternative to dosbox.
Cameleon said:
Personally I'd like to see more original games, folk posting videos basically saying "Yeah, I'm pushing the hardware to it's limits and as you can see it's paying off!"

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i would like to see a full blown PSX emulation

* PS1 emu playing a RT game like racing or fighting.
* a usb converter with 2 PSX controllers(also with nubs please) :D
* Tv out connected to a huge tv.

and if it is not enough

* pandora ASMO modded to look like PS1 Phat and SD like mem cartridges.
* background sound emulating noise of the CD Drive running and screaching of laser searching when the lens are overused.
TV-Out-Show-Off-Video (with some of the games you wanted to see in this thread) coming up in half an hour.

Sorry, no PandoraPanic yet... somehow, I didn't have that on my SD Card (no idea how that happened)
Defo said:

Looks really nice, no delay at all. :)
hi! is there any way you could show some more mame ie ap batrider darius gaiden cyvern to see how this great little gadget handles higher end emulation cheers
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hi! is there any way you could show some more mame ie ap batrider darius gaiden cyvern to see how this great little gadget handles higher end emulation cheers

Yep, but I first have to setup MAME.
Didn't have that on my SD card - I'm more an Amiga and classic console gamer than an arcade player :)
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ED, quick question:
The video always shows the TV displaying exactly what is on the Pandora's screen. Can the TV out act as a second desktop? IE, can the screen and TV out be made to display different things?

I think I heard that they can, but I don't really remember.
Nice, makes me want to get a tv-out cable. When will they start to ship though?
By far the number one thing I want to see is for someone to show me navigating a smb share, selecting a video, and it playing back fullspeed. Anyone tried this?
I've been wanting to see Super Mario All-stars, (Mario 3, Mario World in particular) running on the Pandora scaled to fit the pandora screen in its entirety if thats possible.

O,ya and I finally found a job and may be Pre-ordering a Pandora again,soon.

I've been wanting to see that for a while now but didn't want to bother anyone, but since you offered, Can you please include that in it?

Oya another nice few things I would like to see, GameBoy Color emulation, running pokemon silver or crystal, and the original mario VS donkeykong, I believe it was called "Donkey Kong"
also at full screen scaled to cover most of Pandora screen
GBA emulation if possible running Legend of Zelda The Minish cap/Four swords

And maybe showing the Pandora running an app like Cairo dock, I think that would be nicer to keep the icons in, its what I plan on trying on my future Pandy!

Please, do it for us 90's babies!
banjeed said:
By far the number one thing I want to see is for someone to show me navigating a smb share, selecting a video, and it playing back fullspeed. Anyone tried this?

I've tried but failed so far, though that may be down to lack of knowledge.
I'm happily getting a map up in Gigolo but cant get it to open and display files within.
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