Which Os Do You Expect To Use On The Pandora Itself?

Which OS do you intend to live in the most (assuming the options are all workable; if one is cripple

  • Angstrom (the smaller and default OS)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ubuntu (the big boy alternative also supported)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something else not officially supported (Gentoo, Debian, others)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
The main device will be shipping with at least one OS (Angstrom Linux distro), and I think will be officially supporting Ubuntu as well though it may not be the main focus (possibly more-so down the road however.) Certainly you can rol lyour own distro or work on existing other distros and a few people are .. offhand I know there is Gentoo work and Debian and I think another, but I've not been keeping track of those.

It is hard at this point to really know, since it depends how well they work, what apps are available easily for each, and how much support there is; most people wil llikely just stick with whatever the first one they see is, I imagine :)

If devs end up tieing to any one of the OSes .. which should it be?

I like to play with linux distributions and will certainly have a look at any (well, perhaps some) of the Pandora specific distros that turn up. But for the uses I want to put the Pandora to, I think the stock OS will be everything I want. Perhaps that depends on the way task switching is implemented, which I still need to see, but as long as the stock OS supports all the hardware (MWeston's posts make me feel confident that it will), I feel no need for something bigger.
I'll mess around A LOT with the OSes, so my vote goes to "other alternatives".
Since Sidux doesn't support ARM, I'll try Debian first.
I'll try Ångström, Ubuntu, Gentoo and maybe something else. I'm not well experienced with Linux, but I like experiment. I guess that I don't use Ubuntu nor other bloated OS. Maybe Gentoo was my final stage.
Angström, can't go wrong with 'smaller' and 'default'. Besides, I'm sure the OS will become less important down the road once the default one matures and the focus shifts to the actual Pandora Apps :)
Alex. said:
Angström, can't go wrong with 'smaller' and 'default'. Besides, I'm sure the OS will become less important down the road once the default one matures and the focus shifts to the actual Pandora Apps :)

Yeah, exactly what I think :)
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The reason I ask really is this .. Angstrom supports GPE and Opie though I think it leans more towards GPE lsat I checked (a year ago admittedly.. I'll find out more soon ;)

OPIE is Qtopia based IIRC; I rather like the Trolltech QT guys. QT and GPE (GTK++ IIRC) are very different environments, so it may be important for devs to know.

(Naturally, all kinds of things could be installed into Angstrom, but trying to get a feel for what people will usew, what we'll need to preinstall, what will need to get post-installed, and so on :)

sebt3 said:
Alex. said:
Angström, can't go wrong with 'smaller' and 'default'. Besides, I'm sure the OS will become less important down the road once the default one matures and the focus shifts to the actual Pandora Apps :)

Yeah, exactly what I think :)
ditto ditto

i really dont think any of the features of 'full blown os' will be necessary or helpful by going to ubuntu, a smaller os that gets the job done seems much more helpful, although i wont lie, i do plan on getting ubuntu up and running just for the fun, not for practicality
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I'll be using Angstrom the most, without a shadow of a doubt. That said, I will be using Ubuntu a fair bit, too, as being able to have that on a separate SD Card would make it convenient for keeping work and play completely separate. :P

(And I'm very likely to try out anything else that catches my interest, too. :P)

Since the hardware drivers will all be known quantities, Ubuntu doesn't really give me anything that I can't either get from various repositories or compile myself. Not anything that I'd want in a small handheld, anyway.
Most likely Gentoo. Angstrom's stable release is lacking so many packages, and it's unstable release has gained many bugs over the past 6 months or so to the point where it's almost unusable. :(
Capn_Fish said:
Most likely Gentoo. Angstrom's stable release is lacking so many packages, and it's unstable release has gained many bugs over the past 6 months or so to the point where it's almost unusable. :(

Pandora main OS wont be Angstrom but Angstrom-based... And it have to be this way. because we all want that most apps to be compiled with optimisation for the A8.

This way we could manage a release cycle ourself so any Pandora devel will have at most 2 distributions versions to handle (last and new, for the transition time-frame).

my 2¢
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As an Angstrom core developer I'll certainly be using Angstrom on my device when it finally gets manufactured and delivered.

You can also expect to see me concentrate on making Angstrom on Pandora work as well as Ubuntu on my eeePC as I want the Pandora to become my default netbook!

sebt3 said:
Pandora main OS wont be Angstrom but Angstrom-based... And it have to be this way. because we all want that most apps to be compiled with optimisation for the A8.
Well luckilly Angstrom supports the A8 quite happilly :-)
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Likely have a second card for Debian to dual boot with, if some stuff I'm after doesn't get ported.
Angstrom, because it's default. Although I have to admit I haven't been overwhelmed with Angstrom on my Zaurus C1000, but then that poor thing IS pretty old and tired by now.
vputz said:
Angstrom, because it's default. Although I have to admit I haven't been overwhelmed with Angstrom on my Zaurus C1000, but then that poor thing IS pretty old and tired by now.
Yeah thats unfortunate but thats due to the old Zaurus devs like me moving onto new devices hoping someone would fill out shoes and maintain the zaurus, it never happened :-(

Pandora should be well supported because at least one dev (me) has ordered one and plans to get it supported well.

We also have koen working on beagleboard which is very similar.
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krooked said:
sebt3 said:
Alex. said:
Angström, can't go wrong with 'smaller' and 'default'. Besides, I'm sure the OS will become less important down the road once the default one matures and the focus shifts to the actual Pandora Apps :)
Yeah, exactly what I think :)ditto ditto

i really dont think any of the features of 'full blown os' will be necessary or helpful by going to ubuntu, a smaller os that gets the job done seems much more helpful, although i wont lie, i do plan on getting ubuntu up and running just for the fun, not for practicalityditto 3x

I will almost certainly try any major os somebody successfully ports Ubuntu/Debian/Gentoo/Maemo etc. But I think the core os will be the one I use unless there is something I don't like about it or one of the others gives me a must-have feature or app.
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Hmm, I wonder if multi-boot or grub is an option. (*Does search, doesn't find anything official*) How about switching boot devices (NAND/SD1/SD2/USB) from the bios?