Internal Development
Ahoy my friends.
I'm going to just babble like an idiot here; ignore if you like. The question is -- 'what distro are you using, and why?'
I'm a looooong time Unix-nerd (by which I mean I've used most of them at home and at work.) So I'm no noobie. Historically I've been a big fan of FreeBSD, as the BSD sensibilities appeal to me, and I really like th eintegration of the userland and kernel and so on, and the overall file layouts and system tools just felt at home to me. (As opposed to Linux where every distor has different tools and different random file locations, always drives me batty
Anyway, I'm one of those devs who builds for _everything_, so I've got a stack of machines in my basement and use a lot of VMs.. so really, its that Ijust can't decide on what is 'home'
Used to be FreeBSD, but as I was building apps to make a living, I tended to prefer to 'live where my customers lived' and thus switched to Windows .. using my own apps and using the OS my customers used is a good way to 'keep the perspective', so you lessen the alien decisions you make. (ie: Being a dev is bad enough, but being a dev in an alien OS tends to make you goofy for some default decisions you impose on your customers....)
Anyway, for Pandora development I've been keeping kubuntu around (since I prefer KDE to Gnome), but I'm not sure I approve of Ubuntu in general. I'm more a fan of Gentoo since its more BSD-styled and is coder oriented... but these days, with life being super busy I'm getting lazy, so perhaps joe-consumer oriented distributions are okay.
Anyway, I'm pretty comfortable in how I work, but its never bad to shake things up once in awhile right?
My wife (also a developer) lives in Windows on her ancient laptop, but rather than buy a new laptop she fiugures she'll just flip to Linux to get better performance (right off the top, no need for McAfee eating a GB of RAM and half your CPU right?
So I figure we'll fire up a LiveCD for her, so she can pick a distro that doens't explode on her laptop, and see how she likes that particular one first.
But this got me to thinking about screwing around some more myself......
So what Linjux distro are you using?
I'm tempting to set up FreeBSD 8 (beta) or 7.2 on my laptop (in a VM, since almost every BSD/Linux kernel hates variious components of my laptop :/), or maybe using Wubi/etc. But maybe I'll jusyt update my Kubuntu 8.10 to Kubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 ...
But Mint looks pretty good; ie: For a 'consumer' lazy distro, their website seems ot suggest it should 'just work' with flash etc a lot better; certainly, slinging my wife a distro without workign flash/etc would be a deal killer for her ..
Anyone know offhand if *buntu works with youtube out of the box, say? Kubuntu uses Konquerer which is okay, but annoying to me.. a shame the LiveCD doesn't include FF
Anyway, I'm just curious.. which distro are you guys using, and why?
I'm sucking down Mint right now, but for me I dunnoo.. FreeBSD, *buntu, Mint, Gentoo .. I can't decide
(Currently I run XP32, Vista64, OSX Leopard, FreeBSD, and Kubuntu. My Solaris setup is offline, as I've been trimming down 
I'm going to just babble like an idiot here; ignore if you like. The question is -- 'what distro are you using, and why?'
I'm a looooong time Unix-nerd (by which I mean I've used most of them at home and at work.) So I'm no noobie. Historically I've been a big fan of FreeBSD, as the BSD sensibilities appeal to me, and I really like th eintegration of the userland and kernel and so on, and the overall file layouts and system tools just felt at home to me. (As opposed to Linux where every distor has different tools and different random file locations, always drives me batty
Anyway, for Pandora development I've been keeping kubuntu around (since I prefer KDE to Gnome), but I'm not sure I approve of Ubuntu in general. I'm more a fan of Gentoo since its more BSD-styled and is coder oriented... but these days, with life being super busy I'm getting lazy, so perhaps joe-consumer oriented distributions are okay.
Anyway, I'm pretty comfortable in how I work, but its never bad to shake things up once in awhile right?
My wife (also a developer) lives in Windows on her ancient laptop, but rather than buy a new laptop she fiugures she'll just flip to Linux to get better performance (right off the top, no need for McAfee eating a GB of RAM and half your CPU right?
But this got me to thinking about screwing around some more myself......
So what Linjux distro are you using?
I'm tempting to set up FreeBSD 8 (beta) or 7.2 on my laptop (in a VM, since almost every BSD/Linux kernel hates variious components of my laptop :/), or maybe using Wubi/etc. But maybe I'll jusyt update my Kubuntu 8.10 to Kubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 ...
But Mint looks pretty good; ie: For a 'consumer' lazy distro, their website seems ot suggest it should 'just work' with flash etc a lot better; certainly, slinging my wife a distro without workign flash/etc would be a deal killer for her ..
Anyone know offhand if *buntu works with youtube out of the box, say? Kubuntu uses Konquerer which is okay, but annoying to me.. a shame the LiveCD doesn't include FF
Anyway, I'm just curious.. which distro are you guys using, and why?
I'm sucking down Mint right now, but for me I dunnoo.. FreeBSD, *buntu, Mint, Gentoo .. I can't decide