Which Is More "h@rdc0r3"

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Dec 2, 2005
Wales, UK
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i was just reading the post Ds vs PsP casual vs hardcore,
ok so i work part time in a game shop and ive noticed something,

1. the psp has sold more units to people that are well the best way i can describ it is white trash.

2. the amount of people that have bourght the Ds form the shop i work at is alot smaller although these people what good games not just good gfx

3. the people that have bourght psp have come back a few days later complaing that something is wrong with there machine when the battary just needs chargeing (ok only 5 people did that but you understand)

4. the psp doesnt seem very well made to me 2 at all as people come in regulary with broken psps (through no falt of there own) where as i have never seen 1 broken Ds

im my oppinean the nDS is a far better, "h@rDc0r3" gameing machine than the psp, yes it does have some stupid game like nintendogs and warioware but they are fun to play and the quality of the machine is better far far better, also the homebrew is better to mind you do have the touch screen to play with there.

im sure that some sony or psp fanbois are gunna flame the f@#k outta me but this is my oppinean (oo also if u wanna rip the piss outa my spelling its coz im dyslexic :D)

neways thanx for reading hope i didnt bore u lol
4. the psp doesnt seem very well made to me 2 at all as people come in regulary with broken psps (through no falt of there own) where as i have never seen 1 broken Ds

DS was the only system that made to the summit of Mt. Everest and still functioning, other handheld devices all failed last year. GBA survived toilet flush test done by some gaming journalists years ago. You drop your PSP 4 feets off the ground, and you say good bye to your $250 machine. Nintendo makes their machine durable because they know they're making toys and the toys will go through one of the toughest product testing...done by kids.

Anyway, back to the topic, more I think about it, NDS maybe more hardcore gamers machine in a sense that it's strictly for gaming, nothing else. I know a few people around me who purchased PSP just because it looked cool; they don't really care about games and they seldom play games. In fact, they're the kind of people who get the latest cell phone every year along with the best and the latest PDAs - gadget junkies.

DS doesn one thing, playing games, whereas PSP does lots of things (although doesn't do anything right IMO :)). To me, that alone qualifies DS to be hardcore.

From dictionary.com:

hard-core also hard·core (h?dk?, -kr)
Intensely loyal; die-hard: a hard-core secessionist; a hard-core golfer.
Stubbornly resistant to improvement or change: hard-core poverty.
Extremely graphic or explicit: hard-core pornography.
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On that note I'd have to agree. The DS, like most other Nintendo consoles, is about raw, concentrated gaming - and little else.
The PSP has like half a dozen more moving parts on it. If history tells us anything about technology it's that the more something moves, the better the chance of it getting broken.

The DS is made for durability they expect people to play with it and pass it around and toss it in back packs. The PSP is meant to be coddled and protected like you would ANY 250 dollar electronic device. Plus "white trash"? you shouldn'e be suprised at all that their PSPs are coming back to you.

Also at the same time DS's aren't exepmt from Dead/stuck pixels nintendo just had a faster process of dealing with them when they started getting the reports (honestly you can't blame them, the handheld market is their bread and butter now if they screw that up they might as well go take a seat next to sega.)

you want hardcore? shit, Ill give you hardcore!


Dont be hatin!
Also at the same time DS's aren't exepmt from Dead/stuck pixels nintendo just had a faster process of dealing with them when they started getting the reports (honestly you can't blame them, the handheld market is their bread and butter now if they screw that up they might as well go take a seat next to sega.)
Indeed. My DS had a single stuck pixel on the top screen. I filled out the form, and Nintendo fixed it no questions asked and at no cost to me. My unit was shipped back within a week. B)

DS shouldn't be the more hardcore console. Everything about Nintendo's vision for the DS was to include everyone--diehard gamers and casual gamers alike. Sony consoles, on the other hand, generally serve up more intense experiences, but that's not how it's working out here. Everything I've seen on the PSP so far is pretty standard and unoriginal while the DS has and is receiving many new, inventive games that really cater to the "hardcore" gamers (as well as a number of games for the casual gamer).

There was a time when I thought the DS was doomed. I was wrong.
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I originally poohed the idea of the DS as well before I actually got a chance to try it out at E3. Granted the thigns I truly liked about it had nothing to do with some features of it though. For instance I was a little bothered by the Stylus not being totally convienent at the time (beta harware didn't even have a slot for it) I also never used anything involving the mic that didn't make me feel somewhat lame. But even if you just look as it as "Gameboy Advance X2" it's a fine system.

Nintendo's plan was to make gaming accessable to "everyone" and in a way it works which means they arnt bringing in just hardcore gamers. The casual gamer market is signifigantly bigger but hooking them is hard to do, easier for Nintendo's simple and fun mindset and harder for Sony's "portable playstation" mindset because as I'm certain main people here have heard or seen people say "whay do I want a portable version of what I'm already playing at home?". So the fact is many of the hardcore PS2 style gamers are allready hook but they're already playing the games and have trouble with the concept of redundancy that makes it seem not worth the money.

Originally I heard Sony had made a "no ports" policy for the PSP in the early months which might have resulted in the Metal Gear Ac!d game since they specifically couldnt just remake MGS for it. But apparently they quickly dropped or atleast ammended the policy to say "it's okay as long as the port has something exclusive that isnt in the home version", and it backfired on them outside of japan (where they actually used the policy chance to their benefit). In japan they gave a second life to games that didnt sell well like Megaman legends and some shooters that didnt get a wide distribution. But outside of japan Publishers like EA, Activision and a couple of others simply ported their games DIRECTLY, only stoping to add one or two features. Atleast Rockstar was smart enough to make a new story even if their game took place in an old location.
The DS has done one thing that the PSP can never do. Bring girls into gaming.

Ive met with many girls, and seen them playing DS. Something fairly new. This will hopefully bring more females into the gaming scene, because once they get the DS for animal crossing, or nintendogs, they will want to buy other games for the system.
Why is it always the DS troll boys that start these stupid threads?

I havent seen many if any threads started by PSP owners attacking the NDS... seriously how much of a complex do you guys have about what others prefer?
I have both and love both and posts like this are honestly useless and usually serve to start fights.

And by the way, I have dropped my PSP I believe 3 or maybe 4 times, usually at home onto carpeted floor from a distance of 2-4 feet, and once at work onto hard tiled floor from about 3'. My PSP still works perfectly fine. And before any smartass asks a stupid question, no the PSP wasn't in any kind of case at the time.

the worst that happened was the one time I dropped it at work, a previously unseen spec of dust, a LARGE spec, must have gotten shook loose from somewhere inside the system, and ended up right in the middle of the screen on the inside. This bothered the living hell outta me... so I gently 'tapped' the PSP sideways on my desk and after a few good taps the dust shook loose again and disappeared.

About dead pixels, I've bought 2 DS's (one for me and my wife) and three PSP's (bought one, sold it, then bought two more, for me and my wife). Only my first PSP had ONE dead pixel, the other two had none. My DS had two dead pixels, my wife's had one. So in my case at least, the DS's had a higher ratio of dead pixels. though I openly admit Nintendo was WAAAAAAY better about it, sending me two whole new systems with prepaid shipping boxes to return my bad ones... that's right, they sent me new systems before I even sent mine back, I didn't have to go one day w/o my DS's.

Anyways... I love them both, they both have great games, and I alternate which one I take to work each night. I like the PSP's extra features of video and music as well. Both systems have held up just fine though I hate that my DS touch screens seem to scratch so easily. And no, it's not MY fault, I'm an adult and I know how to 'play with my toys' and be gentle... I still seem to accumilate scratches over time. I had some great screen protectors but got annoyed because dust kept getting between the protector and the actual screen so I took it off.
Why is it always the DS troll boys that start these stupid threads?

I havent seen many if any threads started by PSP owners attacking the NDS... seriously how much of a complex do you guys have about what others prefer?
We were just discussing about which system is more hardcore, and you, Mr. Troll hiimself jumped in start flaming everyone. F-Off, Iorgy77 if you have nothing to contribute. :angry: FYI, I don't have any complex on PSP, I mean, why should I?
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sorry but Iorgy77 does have a point.... If you DS guys are loving your DS's so much, spend more time playing them and less time starting "which is better" threads.

nobody cares which is better or 'more hardcore', everyone likes the one they like, they are BOTH good and you can try in your underhanded way to say that one isn't as good as the other but no one's going to change their mind because of what YOU say.

move along... move along...
nobody cares which is better or 'more hardcore', everyone likes the one they like, they are BOTH good and you can try in your underhanded way to say that one isn't as good as the other but no one's going to change their mind because of what YOU say.

move along... move along...

Since when hardcore = better? Until Iorgy77 hopped in, we were having rather civil discussion, and BIG thanks to him, this thread will become what Iorgy77 accused this thread of - another useless flame bait. Good job.

[edit] And, I'm not changing my mind because of what YOU said, either, bast525. :P I'm moving along anyway since this thread ruined.
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We were just discussing about which system is more hardcore

No you werent, you were just saying how much better the NDS is... Mount everest, toilets etc...

and you, Mr. Troll hiimself jumped in start flaming everyone

I didn't flame anyone.

F-Off, Iorgy77 if you have nothing to contribute.

Who's flaming now??

FYI, I don't have any complex on PSP, I mean, why should I?

I think you do. Why do you pre-occupy so much of your time comparing the two... you obviously want one.
tell me this, what exactly is YOUR definition of hardcore???

To me, the PSP seems way more 'hardcore', maybe my definition differs from yours? The DS is more an 'everymans game system', meaning, it's much more casual, pick up and play. Your wife can play it, your mom can play it, your 8 year old little brother or sister can play it. The games are easy to get into.

I don't consider that hardcore. That's for people who play Tetris or Bejeweled on their cell phones.

hardcore, to me, is the kind of gamer that plays Final Fantasy VII for 100 hours (when you can beat the game in 30-40) to sit there and find every last hidden summon spell or type of chocobo. Or plays thru Devil May Cry, and as soon as they finish it, starts a new game on the now unlocked hard mode, and then beats it again. Or digs up every last little secret in a Zelda game or every hidden item in a Metroid game. Finishes Castlevania with full 100% of the map... you get the idea.

To me, the games on the PSP are far more 'hardcore'. Most of them aren't very 'pick up and play', but actually are geared much more towards longer play sessions, and the majority of PSP games are much more deep games than many of the simple games on the DS. Your mom isn't going to play Grand Theft Auto, your 8 year old sister isn't going to play Socom (well they might, but you get the idea). Not saying that all of the PSP's games are deep, or that all of the DS's games are strictly pick up and play and only good in brief doses, but it seems a majority fit those profiles.

Saying the DS is more hardcore just because it plays games and nothing else is... well... I've never heard 'hardcore' used that way before, that's for sure. When I think of hardcore gamers, and the kinds of games hardcore gamers would usually play, I think that fits more in with the PSP's library. Where are the DS's full blown RPG's? Where are the action games you can play for 50-100 hours? Oh there's a few, but the PSP is far in the lead in those areas. And those are the kinds of games hardcore gamers play, that's why they are considered 'hardcore'. Of course, true hardcore gamers (like myself) own both systems (and probably many more systems as well) and play all the good games, whether they be super deep or simple pick up and play titles. That's what I do, and I love (and have) just about every system ever widely released, including some oddball import only systems. I don't think many truly 'hardcore' gamers (hardcore fanboys maybe) are even the type to ever just pick one system and then try to point out ways that that system is better.

But again, maybe our definitions differ.
We were just discussing about which system is more hardcore

No you werent, you were just saying how much better the NDS is... Mount everest, toilets etc...

and you, Mr. Troll hiimself jumped in start flaming everyone

I didn't flame anyone.

F-Off, Iorgy77 if you have nothing to contribute.

Who's flaming now??

FYI, I don't have any complex on PSP, I mean, why should I?

I think you do. Why do you pre-occupy so much of your time comparing the two... you obviously want one.

and once again, I have to agree with Iorgy77 :D
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I think the point he's trying to make is that it was a thread that seemingly pits the two against each other in a pointless battle. The question dosent really answer anything which is why it keeps veering off course.

It's not a disscussion that can really lead to anything but arguments simply people feel the need to defend one against another when they feel it's being unfairly characterized.
I think the point he's trying to make is that it was a thread that seemingly pits the two against each other in a pointless battle. The question dosent really answer anything which is why it keeps veering off course.

It's not a disscussion that can really lead to anything but arguments simply people feel the need to defend one against another when they feel it's being unfairly characterized.

that's exactly what *I* said... posts like this just always end up starting fights. Which is why they tend to make me lose my patience when I see them. Anyone whos' been here a long time knows me (by reputation, anyways) and knows I am not a) a troll or B) a person given to flaming people, or c) a troublemaker in general.

But people and threads like this are a large reason of why I have stopped coming by here regularly
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Usually what I do is watch the first page of posts, of a new thread if it start spiralling wildly out of control I stop bothering to post because the participants have usually lost all sense of perspective.

Threads like this can be civil up to a point but that's usually because the title of the thread no longer represents what is be discussed.

It's either that or avoid "versus" threads al together and just assume they're going to devolve into a flame war that you just dont need to be apart of. Of course, After about 10 pages of "mine is better than yours" I usually call for a thread lock too.

So dont let these these few types of threads put you off from the ones that are actually worth reading or participating in, and just try to ignore the ones you know are going to devolve. I think we all know there's more good in this forum than bad.
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