Which Games Can You Play On Scumm???


Still Fresh
Jul 14, 2004
Sweden Stockholm
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I wondering which games you can play on the Scumm...

i have Indiana Jones-fate of Atlantis...
And Monkey Island 2

But which games have talk in it...
Beneath a Steel Sky, CD Talkie don´t work it can´t find the files...

must I extract the files...and how do i do that????
The search is a wonderful thing ;). As is the thread in the beta forum, all the supported games are discussed in that to some extent.

Beneath a Steel Sky, CD Talkie don’t work it can’t find the files...

It don't work, that's why :D.

Basically all the 320*240 or lower resolution LucasArts games supported by ScummVM 0.5.1 work to “some” extent on ScummVM for the GP32. No non-LucasArts games (read, BASS, Simon 1+2 and Fate of the Amazon Queen) work in the current port.

Use the virtual keyboard. ScummVM does not implement copy protection by default in ANY game.

Just hold L and use Up/Down/Left/Right to setup anything in the place of the copy protection.

It’s in the readme.
I currently play the following on my GP32:

Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade (I'm at a disadvantage here as I only have the French version!)
Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis
Zak McKracken & The Alien Mindbenders
Sam & Max Hit The Road
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Day of the Tentacle

I know you can play Maniac Mansion although I don't have it (there's a new Deluxe shareware version out too) and Loom. I think SCUMM supports Beneath a Steel Sky & Simon the Sorceror although I don't have these to test.

I'd love to play the Broken Sword series or Lure of the Temptress too but they are not supported...

Shirohagen posted on Jul 23 2004 at 03:54 PM said:
I currently play the following on my GP32:

Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade (I'm at a disadvantage here as I only have the French version!)
Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis
Zak McKracken & The Alien Mindbenders
Sam & Max Hit The Road
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Day of the Tentacle

I know you can play Maniac Mansion although I don't have it (there's a new Deluxe shareware version out too) and Loom. I think SCUMM supports Beneath a Steel Sky & Simon the Sorceror although I don't have these to test.

I'd love to play the Broken Sword series or Lure of the Temptress too but they are not supported...

Unless you did your own port you CANNOT play Flight of the Amazon Queen on your GP32 ;). It does not work. Trust me on this :D. The public GP32 port is not even 0.6.x based.

Lure of the Temptress is not actualy support by ScummVM at all (currently ;)).
Broken Sword - it's never going to work on the GP32 via ScummVM for the GP32 ;).

BASS and Simon 1+2 are in the works for the GP32 port, as is Flight of the Amazon Queen when I get round to working on ScummVM again, unless any devs want to give me a hand?
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Yeah I never got past the initial screen on FOTAQ, just ran it to see if it worked and assumed it did. Damn! I was saving that up to play later...

Shirohagen posted on Jul 23 2004 at 04:43 PM said:
Yeah I never got past the initial screen on FOTAQ, just ran it to see if it worked and assumed it did. Damn! I was saving that up to play later...
On the GP32?

Where did you get your version of ScummVM from?
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Can't remember where my version came from, I had one but then found another port where the mouse moved a bit slower (made grabbing the fish in the Scumm bar in MI tricky) but seemed to perform better.

I meant that FOTAQ was recognised in the menu etc, but I've not played it. I can still play it with SCUMMVM on my computer though so I'll just wait for the GP32 to catch up.

I have lure of the temptress, it's an allright game, just a bit too easy to make the game impossible to finish.