Where Do You Use Your Gadgets?

skeezix said:
Coldbird -- you're runnin Calibre on your pandora?

We don't have a native port per se (its a _big pig_); I installed it into a debian 'stuckie extend' and it was some 250-300MB of junk :) (And I had to use a swap to have enough memory to be useful :P ) -- I still didn't get the ebook 'reader' part working right yet, but the conversion stuff works..... in the end, a task better left for a desktop imho :)

As I said, Im reading on my smartphone. But its useful for converting my pdfs on the go.
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I use mine in the bath tub all the time, it's like the only time I don't have my wife or kids asking me to do stuff... well that and in bed after everyone is sleeping. Besides that, I carry it everywhere with me and use it whenever I get a second, like say, on the crapper :)
Sometimes I make my wife drive so I can play with it in the passenger seat. She has told me she is jealous of my Pandora so I generally try to keep from using it too much around her though ;) - ROT isn't helping that too much :lol:
I mostly use it at home, specifically in bed.

Whenever I travel somewhere where I'll be staying overnight, I take it with me.

Same pattern as with the old GP32 FLU, basically. (though I still use the GP32 for some things - I like it better for reading ebooks for example, as it's much easier on the eyes. It's also much lighter, so I use it when my hands are tired)

I don't use any electronic devices in university at all; I write all my notes in extremely tiny letters with a 0.25mm Hi-Tec-C pen in my agenda. I find it's much more efficient that way. Plus I don't have to worry about anything getting stolen, because I basically carry around nothing of any value to anyone but myself.

I imagine that with time, I might find neat uses for it here and there. There were a few times when I took the GP32 out and about when I needed to play an audio recording to some people.
I used mine yesterday. My wife was shopping so I sat down in a corner of the shop and just listened to some music and played a couple of games.

I've got a meeting in London coming up. Pandora is going to be great for that trip.
My android phone is always with me and I use that for a lot of things. I can't do without my GPS navigation on there, and of course email and a little bit of web browsing when I have to.

I use my Pandora on my couch / in my bed mostly. I always have it with me at work and I'll sometimes get a few minutes of gaming in during lunch. I'll be using it for far more than gaming after I finish playing EarthBound again. I'm getting close to the end now.

I've got a trip across country coming up next month and my Pandora will be perfect for watching movies and doing some gaming while in on my flights / trains.
zames007 said:
I use mine when the wife is watching her brain numbing programs, which suffice to say is almost every evening!

I knew I wasn't the only one!! :P

In all seriousness, I don't have a Pandora (yet!) and my smartphone (MyTouch3g... :( ) isn't fast enough to do much with. I do, however, have a CR-48 running Arch Linux which I use every night while my wife is watching shows. Mostly web browsing and ScummVM, World of Goo, Diablo II, etc. I also use it to record guitar tracks and create drum loops with Hydrogen.

I can't wait to get my Pandora, I plan on using it alot when I get back into school. Simple games and mp3s should be perfect for the train. I'm sure I could use it to take notes during class along with gaming during breaks. Might work better than lugging my laptop around all day, especially considering the battery life and portability. I'm sure there are many other uses I haven't thought of yet too. Can't wait!
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In the train, on the couch, in the park (when its sunny) mostly as audio player, during rallies (to check the times of the drivers online :) ), in bed when the girlfriend is watching soaps she missed on the laptop, well anywhere basically!