Where Do You Use Your Gadgets?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I'm just curious where and how you use your Pandora (or Caanoo, dingoo, etc)

I commute via car so don't use gadgts while in transit any more (kid needs carseat) so tend to use them at work and home, but as I mostly develope for the gadgets and not use them so much per se I wonder how everyone else does it --

Do you use your mobile gadgets mobilly - out and about mostly? Or do you also use them at home flopping on the couch? (despite having a laptop or desktop nearby)

Are you a student using it as a umpc and game device? A sysadmin using it as a vnc and ssh or console terminal? A travelling salesman fiddling around on the plane all day? Or just a handy gadget since you're too lazy to walk over to the big rig :)

Tell us your story :)

My story is boring. I use them both at home and when out and about. That's it. :p
Since I'm currently on break from school, I mostly use mine while watching TV. It's more comfortable, and easily pocketed when something comes up (time to cook, need to head off for groceries, evening walk).

The other main use I have right now is as a simple mp3 player, battery life rocks and being able to adjust the volume from my pocket makes it much easier while out on a walk or elsewhere. Most recently while waiting for my dad to get out of his appointment I listened to music and read on my Kindle (neat device, DRM though kills the idea in my mind of buying books at or near full price).

Once I get back into the swing of things it will be used for study breaks, the occasional note (ideally some good software will show up for recording notes/lectures with) and/or web search while out of the dorms, and if I can get used to it again for studying (Anki seems well posed to help with Japanese). As it's not as large as my laptop it will travel often, and the great battery life means it will likely be pocketed often with my tunes playing so I just need to put on my headphones and turn up the volume to take a break.

Edited in: I figure I should note that finding that the .pnd (and firmware version) of Pidgin is too dated for IM usage, so I'll likely just have to migrate my web socializing to Facebook or such in the meantime.
Most everywhere :) but actually mainly in two modes:

1) On the commute. I go by train at least half an hour each direction every day. V. Good for some Chrono Trigger or SMRPG :D

2) In bed before I or the kids go to sleep. My youngest son is at an age where he wants someone to sit beside his bed as he falls asleep. And also for some gaming time when everybody else in the house is sleeping.

But it varies. Yesterday I used it as a PDF reader, displayng the agenda and documentation whilst on the board meeting for the computer science department :lol:
Well i´m currently at the registrars office for my fifth child but usually use it at home at rare moments of peace or on train commutes to uni. Not a student again until September but then it will prove invaluable as even the log in time on campus computers is like watching paint dry. The battery life and mi-fi mean it will prove a circumvent for the uni wi-fi which may not play ball as others already found. Otherwise its grabbing a some game time and suspending play with the sleep function which I definitely could personally use some of. :)
I spend more time surfing reading about them than actually using :D

However the Pandora (and to a lesser degree Caanoo because of screen size and battery life) are great for long-haul flights. Watch a movie of your choice, play a game, listen to music without suffering the pain of standard inflight entertainment centre.
here is my typical day :
07h30 - fire audacious, walk to the bus station
07h40 - get in the bus, fire freecell (the buses here are too rocky to play any action games :( )
07h55 - at work, close freecell, start gedit (notetaking)
15h45 - get in the bus for the way back, restart freecell
16h00 - @home. stop freecell and audacious (yes, it have been playing all day long ;) )
16h05 - my wife steal my P for some colorLines actions (or Giana or any other game she likes)
18h00 - I finally can have it back for some testing

Some weekend I do play psxrearmed or some of the games I've ported too. But strangly, that's not the typical usage ;)
I try to walk around with as little devices as possible.

So my phone is also my navigation and I play audiobooks via bluetooth over my carspeakers. It's also my main source for emails, facebook, twitter etc etc.

I'm thinking about the Pandora to become his companion. So websurfing because of bigger screen. Emailing because of bigger keyboard. Maybe use the Pandora as the audiobookplayer so the phone can stick to navigation without "turn left now" going over the speakers. Or maybe the other way around if we can get Brodit (or any other manufacturer that can make something that's decent) to make a Pandora carholder as bigger screen with navigation = win. Pandora might become my ereader too because of the bigger screen but I have a Motorola Milestone 2 since 2 days and it has a decent enough screen and I can hold it comfortably in bed so it'll depend on how the Pandora performs in bed. <--- that just sounds so wrong :blink:

I'm also looking to use my phone as a barcode scanner for stocktaking, maybe hook it up to the Pandora to get it in a sheet of some sort so I can add amounts and the export it to xml.

Shorter version, I use my gadgets everywhere and for as much stuff as possible. As long as I can cram as many uses in as little gadgets as possible.
I've mostly been using mine as a music player at work, it helps pass the time, and no other music player out there has the expandability, I can fill a 32 gig card with tons of music so I never get bored. Also been gaming on my lunch break and at home with it, mostly older consoles.
Well before i got my Pandora stoled (happend two days ago, fucking burglars, lost everything that day) :angry:
I used it almost anywhere.
Listend to music when i was walking/running outside.
Used it as a music device in my car.
Played games in my bed.
Used it a lot while i was travling around New zealand last year.

Yep I'll miss it, and when i get the money from the insurance company then i'm ordering a new one.
Yeah the sucs pretty much and i could kill the guy that did it if i ever see him.

If there is anyone in here from Denmark that lives near Esbjerg and see a guy with a pandora then that might be mine (i dont think that there so many in Denmark that owens one yet)
I work as a registered nurse in my spare time, so when I'm on a night shift and all the patients are asleep, I get in some PS1/N64/Megadrive/SNES action. Got about 700 games for those systems now, so there's always something to keep me awake :)

At home, I don't really get much time playing games, as I'm usually on the laptop developing PandaBAS. Do an hour or two coding in Delphi under windows 7, then head into linux to compile a pandora binary and test. Rinse, repeat :)

mr.miyagi said:
Well before i got my Pandora stoled (happend two days ago, fucking burglars, lost everything that day) :angry:
I used it almost anywhere.
Listend to music when i was walking/running outside.
Used it as a music device in my car.
Played games in my bed.
Used it a lot while i was travling around New zealand last year.

Yep I'll miss it, and when i get the money from the insurance company then i'm ordering a new one.
ok im gonna skip the elephant in the room, and head right to the "you have insurence on your pandora?" question
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DaMummy said:
ok im gonna skip the elephant in the room, and head right to the "you have insurence on your pandora?" question

I'm guessing the equivalent of full coverage on the car, which, depending on the policy, can also insure its contents.
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wardred said:
DaMummy said:
ok im gonna skip the elephant in the room, and head right to the "you have insurence on your pandora?" question

I'm guessing the equivalent of full coverage on the car, which, depending on the policy, can also insure its contents.

He broke into my home, and stole a lot of other things too than just my pandora, thats why it's insured.
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Using it in so many ways... for playing all my games when Im too lazy to boot up the Desktop, for developing (via SSH), for SSHing into my server, for watching movies when my family occupies the TV aswell as listening to music.

I also use it to convert my PDF files to epub ebook format using Calibre, so I can read them on my Android Smartphone.
Coldbird -- you're runnin Calibre on your pandora?

We don't have a native port per se (its a _big pig_); I installed it into a debian 'stuckie extend' and it was some 250-300MB of junk :) (And I had to use a swap to have enough memory to be useful :p) -- I still didn't get the ebook 'reader' part working right yet, but the conversion stuff works..... in the end, a task better left for a desktop imho :)

zames007 said:
I use mine when the wife is watching her brain numbing programs, which suffice to say is almost every evening!


Couch/bed mostly. Will throw the Pandora/iPad in the bag for certain outings.
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