When Will Results Be Announced?

GBAX said:
11th June: GBAXtended competition winner will be announced next week, we believe we have found/been sent all updated versions of previous entries. We will host updated versions which are not available elsewhere when the results are posted.
Since the winner, aka the results, will be announced next week, I'm guessing that's when we'll be able to download them.
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GBAX said:
11th June: GBAXtended competition winner will be announced next week, we believe we have found/been sent all updated versions of previous entries. We will host updated versions which are not available elsewhere when the results are posted.
Since the winner, aka the results, will be announced next week, I'm guessing that's when we'll be able to download them.
Oh damn will have to wait another week. Back to fgen and GP cinema for me :P
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