The new PD ROMs compo is in progress. I wonder what GP32 entries we will see? Maybe Rlyeh's new game will be entered? I wonder if JBB or JyCet will come through with some cool game like they usually do?
I doubt it'd be ryleh's game, but hey, if it is? YAY!!
I'm not sure what this will bring. But compo's usually end up producing some nice homebrew. I predict at least a few really cool homebrew games to result from this.. Which should be excellent!
Nothing from me sorry
Perhaps some surprise from other gp32 coders ?! ...
Today I wait my price from ADIC 2K4 ... my "dream" is really to have the BLU from Gamepark (to replace my gp WLU (first model!)) and I really hope for everybody these price are not some vaporware!