When This Is Over....

This forum will do fine! Just expect each and every member to disappear for about a week each as the Pandy's are shipped out :lol:

... and a whole bunch of newbies who can't read stickied threads *shudder*
fearofshorts said:
... and a whole bunch of newbies who can't read stickied threads *shudder*
And a whole bunch of us ready to assist them. :p
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... I'm taking a beer, unpack my Pandora and transfer some data from my iPod to the Pandora. Want to get rid of that annoying Apple thing asap and I'm hoping the Pandora will do a good job of replacing it. And them I'm firing up some emulators, starting with Amiga :D
fearofshorts said:
... and a whole bunch of newbies who can't read stickied threads *shudder*
You know, I think OP aught to just get rid of the stickies. Just have one for board rules and that's it, nothing on info of the Pandora. No one reads them anyway and it just causes problems when some one asks a question and everyone jumps all over them.

People that don't want to answer questions should not have to, they should can just ignore them. There are people that won't mind helping others, let them deal with those questions.
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Well, in fairness, we did seem to get less questions relating to (x86) WINE and Microsoft Windows until that sticky was unstickied, as far as I could tell, so I'm not convinced that they're totally useless. :p Also, it is quite handy to be able to simply point out that there's a stickied thread that may be able to assist somebody.
Prometheus said:
Well, in fairness, we did seem to get less questions relating to (x86) WINE and Microsoft Windows until that sticky was unstickied, as far as I could tell, so I'm not convinced that they're totally useless. :p Also, it is quite handy to be able to simply point out that there's a stickied thread that may be able to assist somebody.
I remember a lot of wine and x86 questions after the sticky. I think things have slowed down a little and now not as many new people are hearing about the Pandora for the first time.

Maybe something better than a sticky can be thought up. Maybe a banner that says 'Pandora wiki, everything you wanted to know'. For me I get more sick of hearing 'read the sticky' then anything else. I have noticed that since there was that 'be nice' thread a while back people have gotten a lot nicer on here though.

Every time a news story comes out the thing we are most famous for is being dicks, and when someone points that out some dick off this forum goes and proves their point by saying something like: 'well, if the stupid newbies would just learn to read stickies' and then some non Pandora persons says 'you mean the stickies at the top that are outdated? See, you proved the point.'

The only thing that the internet at large knows about the Pandora are the people pre-ordering are dicks, and that is in part because of instead of a 'be nice' thread coming first we had a sticky thread for 'stupid' newbies to read.
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second exodous said:
The only thing that the internet at large knows about the Pandora are the people pre-ordering are dicks, and that is in part because of instead of a nice thread coming first we had a sticky thread for 'stupid' newbies to read.
So what sort of thread would you go with? I'm genuinely curious - there will be more new people at some point, after all, so if there's a problem, what's the best solution? (I'm afraid I can't comment on the internet at large, as far as Pandora stuff goes, I just read this place and a few sites related to the community. :p)
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Prometheus said:
second exodous said:
The only thing that the internet at large knows about the Pandora are the people pre-ordering are dicks, and that is in part because of instead of a nice thread coming first we had a sticky thread for 'stupid' newbies to read.
So what sort of thread would you go with? I'm genuinely curious - there will be more new people at some point, after all, so if there's a problem, what's the best solution? (I'm afraid I can't comment on the internet at large, as far as Pandora stuff goes, I just read this place and a few sites related to the community. :p )
I don't think we can do anything but admit we're dicks and try to be better. Get rid of the stickies and kindly answer questions or post and actual link to an answer and along with that say 'here ya go, hope this helps!' so were just not some dick posting a link to shut them up.

We need to admit to ourselves 'we were dicks in the past but now we are not'. This community's reputation is damaged because we were dicks. I'm sure some people will not buy a Pandora because they don't want to be yelled at when they ask for help because the dicks on this forums will burn them.

I was a dick, I remember two times that someone was being arrogant about their knowledge of the Pandora and I looked at the number of posts they had and called them on it. I am not a dick anymore, I am going to be nice to newbies and help them. Everyone on here needs to do this before the Biblical size flood of newbies that is coming.

We want people to think 'wow, on this forum everyone is nice and wants to help'. Linux didn't really take off until people stopped saying 'RTFM'. Well, forums helped also, all the Linux dicks used IRC and didn't like forums.
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people who cant handle dickiness shouldnt be on the internet
DaMummy said:
people who cant handle dickiness shouldnt be on the internet
DING DING DING! We have a winner folks, give him the big fluffy bunny!

Just ignore any newbie questions, ok DaMummy?

(naw)mcx said:
I'm not sure we want the kind of people who can't read stickies or use google owning Pandoras.
Ok, my point has been proven, you guys can stop now.
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second exodous said:
Prometheus said:
second exodous said:
The only thing that the internet at large knows about the Pandora are the people pre-ordering are dicks, and that is in part because of instead of a nice thread coming first we had a sticky thread for 'stupid' newbies to read.
So what sort of thread would you go with? I'm genuinely curious - there will be more new people at some point, after all, so if there's a problem, what's the best solution? (I'm afraid I can't comment on the internet at large, as far as Pandora stuff goes, I just read this place and a few sites related to the community. :p )
I don't think we can do anything but admit we're dicks and try to be better. Get rid of the stickies and kindly answer questions or post and actual link to an answer and along with that say 'here ya go, hope this helps!' so were just not some dick posting a link to shut them up.

We need to admit to ourselves 'we were dicks in the past but now we are not'. This community's reputation is damaged because we were dicks. I'm sure some people will not buy a Pandora because they don't want to be yelled at when they ask for help because the dicks on this forums will burn them.

I was a dick, I remember two times that someone was being arrogant about their knowledge of the Pandora and I looked at the number of posts they had and called them on it. I am not a dick anymore, I am going to be nice to newbies and help them. Everyone on here needs to do this before the Biblical size flood of newbies that is coming.

We want people to think 'wow, on this forum everyone is nice and wants to help'. Linux didn't really take off until people stopped saying 'RTFM'. Well, forums helped also, all the Linux dicks used IRC and didn't like forums.
Well said.

That said, I can't speak for anyone else, but I do try to provide proper links and answers, where possible (though my sense of humour was misunderstood a couple of times. :lol: The pitfalls of text-based communication, eh?)... I should hope I don't fall under your "we", there. :p

I've also been working on a "Plain English" glossary for folks unfamiliar with Linux and open handhelds in general (though whether it would be posted, or used to provide answers more speedily, I don't actually know yet)*, and am quite happy to field questions other people don't want to. :p I fully agree that the first impression ought to be that people want to help (that politeness has been my experience of Linux forums, incidentally).

*It's on my other machine right now, but if anyone wants to give this thing a quick glance at some point, to give it some proof-reading before the Pandoras ship, I'd be happy to send a copy later. :p It covers terminology and forum dialect, it's proving to be great fun to work on.
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@ Prometheus

I know not everyone has been dicks, but a vast majority I think could be interpreted as being a dick. Also, I've seen newbie questions since that 'be nice' thread and people have been nice in answering and didn't even point to the stickies. All in all I think this community is getting a little better about newbies, but there is always room for improvement.

And like I said in the 'be nice' thread, wish I could find it, if you read a newbie question that makes your eyes red and your blood boil ignore it and let someone else handle it. I'm not saying you have to stop being a dick, just don't do it on this forum.

It is imperative that we change our current reputation though, the more people that own a Pandora the more people will get one. This will make a large community and the larger it is the more games and software we'll get. Just think of that as a reward for being nice on this forum.
Mm, quite agreed. Is this the thread you're after, by the way? ;)

EDIT: I should note, my point on the stickies is more that they can be quite useful resources, more than anything else. Even I find them handy. :lol:
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(naw)mcx said:
I'm not sure we want the kind of people who can't read stickies or use google owning Pandoras.
+10 points to Gryffindor (Correct me if I'm wrong, but Harry Potter seems like the type of book you would read)
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