Nintendo Switch
I just read this article on Consoles going Retro and so forth and thought I should post here.
1000 years from now, I myself will be considered Retro.
Image disclaimer: Definitely not the complete set by far. First generation (1972–1977)
History of Video Games
First generation (1972–1977)
Second generation (1976–1984)
Third generation (1983–1992)
Fourth generation (1987–1996)
Fifth generation (1993–2006)
Sixth generation (1998–)
Seventh generation (2005–)
Eighth generation (2011–)
When Does a Game Console Go Retro?
Commenter GiantBoyDetective wonders when video games and their consoles make the transition from recent to retro in today's nostalgic installment of Speak Up on Kotaku.
How old does a game have to be to be considered "retro"?
I would definitely consider anything Super Nintendo or older as least in my eyes. I suppose the Nintendo 64 is kinda retro now. So is the limit around 10 years or more like 15?
Wikipedia, grand master of wisdom/opinion, states that "retro style" is something that "generally implies a vintage of at least 15 or 20 years" and then it goes on to state that the Dreamcast is part of "retro gaming"...obviously those two facts don't quite match up.
What do you guys think?
1000 years from now, I myself will be considered Retro.

Image disclaimer: Definitely not the complete set by far. First generation (1972–1977)
History of Video Games
First generation (1972–1977)
Second generation (1976–1984)
Third generation (1983–1992)
Fourth generation (1987–1996)
Fifth generation (1993–2006)
Sixth generation (1998–)
Seventh generation (2005–)
Eighth generation (2011–)
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