When Am I Getting My Pandora?

Alerino said:
are you taking your panda with you, ED? :rolleyes: :D

Yes, of course :)
I love the device... I just hate the delays as anyone else.

Aditionally, my DSL just stopped working today.
Now I'm using 3G... wanted to finish the Hotfix 4 Beta tonight, but without proper internet, I can't even download much :(
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Find myself frustrated by all the delays etc. On the other hand I know what ED's saying above is true. You'd think it would be simple, but its really not, and the OP team must be stressed by all this. I think tha my interest in the teams efforts and the potential of the device are why I'm still here.
Stingray said:
I ordered nearly two years ago, thought it would stylish to have in grad school, unfortunately I'm questioning whether I'll have it before graduation.
When I ordered I was in my senior year of my undergrad. I finished up my masters in May, and got a new car, new city, and new job in June.

I've made multiple fundamental changes in my life in the time I've been waiting.

Honestly I'm glad in some small way for the delays. They've definitely shaped who I am as a person, partly because I had so much passion about it and partly because my desire was constantly unrequited, but mostly because I kept my hope throughout.

I feel like I can weather any storm now.

And I know it might sound stupid to say that about some tech gadget that I'm going to put in a bin and forget about in 6 years, but it truly has been a big part of my life, and so have all you guys. Far more than any commercial device I've ever had. And I haven't even had a Pandora yet.

But yeah, I'm still getting kind of irritated
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EvilDragon said:
I'm going on holiday tomorrow for four days. The first one since three years. Really need it, I'm totally exhausted.
But with all those delays at the moment, I doubt I will really have fun in those few days.

Try to enjoy your holidays :)
A small request before you go, please approve the new MODs. I doubt anyone will add something substantial to the discussion.
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No problem mali: I think whe new Mods (in gp2x.de) are abble to handle the Forum in this Few Days, i hope so.., and in case of totality divusion: There are lots of older (not in age but in aprovement) mods there would help us, no proplem let evildragon Rest a while, that should be a good thing..

bye the way: Whe have a "Momentan auf Urlaub und nicht verfügbar" Threadh in our Mod Section.., so please EvilDragon: Use this threadth!!
^ I mean gp32x ;) I know, I'm impatient in this regard, but that's just how I work. Identify problem, solve problem, identify next problem, etc.
Right now I'm basically just converting reports from the candidates into actions, which they could just do themselves. I'd like to have this solved so I can adjust my forum time better and prepare for the future. I'd like to discuss some more things in the next months like new subfora for example. There were some requests and polls already. The right time isn't far away any more to get this sorted. We'd have to weed through older threads and move the important ones to new sections then.
i think its definitely reaching a point where i can see why people are a bit frustrated and angry. everyone is they're own though. its been a good gaming year for me. haul so far is a dreamcast, ps2, ps3 slim and tomorrow i'm buying a DS lite off a friend. plus heaps of games. i guess its easy when there are plenty of distractions and really when i think about it, in terms of emulation and productivity, everything i will do on the pandora i can do elsewhere if i want to. really i am just excitedly saving it all up for the wonderful pandora experience. i still haven't seen any device out there that will do what i want the pandora to do. sure there are devices good at individual things but its still the all in one for me.

i hope people dont run away from the project because theres some great people around here who are very welcome to the community it really is just becoming a greater shame as time goes on that people still aren't able to celebrate the product the way they should
Not trolling but I'm getting tired of waiting (since mar 2009)for an out-dated device. The only thing that keeps me going is the controls/keyboard, battery life, size, and OS. Everything else I can do better on my samsung vibrant and g1.

I just worried that the community (as great as it is) will die off like the Tapwave Zodiac community (what an amazing device). I also noticed quite a few devs MIA (Squidge, Cpasjuste, etc) but (thank god) that quite a few news ones are popping up.

EvilDragon said:
I'm going on holiday tomorrow for four days. The first one since three years. Really need it, I'm totally exhausted.
But with all those delays at the moment, I doubt I will really have fun in those few days.
You must have fun. :P We demand it! :lol:

Seriously, I hope you have a good time, ED - exhaustion sucks. :P
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EvilDragon said:
I'm going on holiday tomorrow for four days. The first one since three years. Really need it, I'm totally exhausted.
But with all those delays at the moment, I doubt I will really have fun in those few days.
Enjoy your holiday!
You deserve some rest (way more than 4 days). You are giving your all for Pandora and this community. So forget Pandora, the forum and community for a few days and don't forget to get some real sleep as well.

You are helping no one if you get a heart attack, take good care of yourself. :)

EvilDragon said:
Aditionally, my DSL just stopped working today.
Now I'm using 3G... wanted to finish the Hotfix 4 Beta tonight, but without proper internet, I can't even download much :(
See, even fate wants you to take a holiday. The world's not gonna stop if we get Hotfix 4 a few days later.
That's the perfect opportunity to start your holiday. Do it right now, and don't visit the forums in that time!
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Another thing that I'm not too sure you guys are mentioning is how outdated the hardware is. With phones a third of the size having 1Ghz processors and processors of over 1Ghz coming out later this year to early next year, this hardware is getting extremely outdated and almost to the point of obsolete. Two and a half years ago, when the processor speed of the project was quicker (I believe it was 800Mhz at the very beginning) the system was more of a mobile computer than a portable game console. Even processor speeds of 600Mhz 2+ years ago was nothing to laugh at.

With WiFi "N" technology becoming more widely available and with many mobile products starting to be designed with WiFi "N" chips, just about everything specifications wise is outdated. The only two things I consider are up to date and even superior to the majority of products today (besides the controls) are the screen and the battery, which are more important than just about anything else to many people. Phones are now starting to offer 512MB of RAM, phones are starting to offer HDMI out options, and now portable game consoles such as the 3DS are starting to offer a built in rumble feature, something the Pandora could REALLY benefit from. I think even a gyroscope could also really be a cool technology to use in Pandora games. Another thing to look at is if the SD card slots support the new SDXC technology, which could be extremely helpful for many people. In about a year or so, USB 3.0 is going to become standardized. Though USB 3.0 isn't a real necessity or is widely used as of now, it's just crazy how much has changed over the past two and a half years. It's a beautiful looking machine from a physical standpoint and the button configuration and physical buttons are great (according to the many who have theirs, I don't have one nor have I used one but just from reading everyone's comments you can come to the conclusion they designed the system VERY well) but Moore's Law is really starting to show its validity.

This product would still be great if you had 5,000 of these in consumers hands today, but by the time 5,000 average people (aka not developers/programmers) get these, it'll probably be early-mid next year, and mobile products with processor speeds of less than 1Ghz will be ancient history. The problem now is you can't really change the specifications which means I think this will be a failed experiment in a significant way. It may very well do full SNES emulation and perhaps full N64 emulation, but you can get a LOT more for $300+ today. I'm not complaining as much about the actual specifications as how much I'd be paying for it. It would be ridiculous to argue that what the system offers on a specifications perspective is worth anywhere near $300.

If the system was developed and made when the economy was in a better state, all of these delays and setbacks might not have all happened. Unfortunately, it is what it is and I'm very disappointed. I never ordered one by the way; I may buy one off eBay or something in the coming months if the price lowers from $500+, but I'm very concerned about all of this and I am worried this project will have been a small group of young men's wasted efforts and an even larger groups' destroyed hope and morale. I don't know if things could have been done differently to change the outcome, but I'm not sure if you can call this project a complete success even if we get 5,000 units by the end of the year. I don't think I can really blame Craig et al, but it is heartbreaking even for me, and I've never really been a huge part of the forum and project.

Just my thoughts.
General Tso said:
obsolescence stuff
brb gonna go play some snes games.

really now, show me these amazing things the current hardware is doing, and then show me how useable it is. those phones might be able to better run an emulator but it will still be unplayable with crappy controls
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jutley said:
where has www.gbax.com gone is it me or has the site been pulled?
According to whois, it expired yesterday and was renewed today. In the intervening time, the DNS entry probably propagated out and disappeared, and now that it's been renewed it'll probably take a day or two to re-exist.
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The fact is, most people really do not care about technical specifications or things being "outdated" (anecdotally, I certainly don't, and I'm far from an average person as far as technology-related stuff goes). They care about their things doing the job they want them to do, and doing it well.
Prometheus said:
The fact is, most people really do not care about technical specifications or things being "outdated" (anecdotally, I certainly don't, and I'm far from an average person as far as technology-related stuff goes). They care about their things doing the job they want them to do, and doing it well.

Exactly. Most people (myself included) are getting a Pandora to play old games. The CPU in the Pandora isn't getting any worse at playing old games as time goes on (actually, with improvements to software happening quite frequently, the opposite is true).

People seem to forget this isn't meant to compete with things like the 3DS. I asked it in another thread and I'll ask it again: If you had your Pandora a year ago, would you now be saying "gosh this thing is so obsolete, time for a new toy..."? If so, I don't think the Pandora was the right device for you in the first place. :P

Edit: typos
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I was mostly referring to the hypothetical 5000 average people, there, really. Whenever anyone who would fall into that bracket asks me about something technological, they always ask "Can I do [task they wish to perform] with that?", and never, ever, "Is it a bajillion gabooieflops?".

I have yet to ever come across anyone asking about the tech-specs of anything in such conversations. :P
out dated - you think that the shiny new phone in your pocket is "NEW" most devices take bleeding edge hardware and a few years later out pops the product in the high street, people are getting frustrated by the openness of the developers - hows that for ironic !

ED and others are running themselves into the ground, to the NUB (sorry!) and no matter how people bitch it ain't gonna get the Pandora in your hand any earlier (quite the reverse)

Given that this device is a perfect storm of features (via consultation with this very forum) people should really READ just what the dev's are facing - it doesnt matter how much they scream down a phone, problems like nubs etc WILL need ironing out - better that than they just throw any old junk together and throw it out the door - which they could have done...

Take a deep breath its so very close!
Trying to get a device like the Pandora which wouldn't be outdated is crazy.

Mobile Phones are outdated after 6 months!
That's ridiculous in my opinion... those smartphones do cost 600 EUR at least... each 6 months?!
Surely, no one wants to buy new gaming devices each 6 months... I can't remember Sony or Nintendo releasing new gaming consoles each 6 months :D

The WIZ basically was outdated when it came out, the Caanoo now uses the same SoC.
Still, I sold about 4 WIZ a day until I was out of stock two days ago... no big deal here.

No, I don't think we really will have an outdation-problem.
Even if it arrives a month later, you can still play the same Amiga, C64, etc. - Games.
They won't change.
And you can also still surf the internet. That also won't change :)