I am getting a New Pandora and need help

I've just had a look, and can't even find those accounts. :P

Wow, you mean he's never been registered here before? I could have sworn he had!

Ah, you mean like this?:

It's late at night and I've been watching a late night detective movie using the outlet meant for the backup machine.

The phone rings...

I feel reluctant to pick up the phone, the movie is picking up pace and I'll soon know who the murderer is.

Ah, stupid standby-shift!...

...I pick up the phone.

Hello there, would you like to buy a brand new OpenPandora? I know you are on op here, I just need some more space on my account.

If you give me some extra 8MB, I'll reserve it just for you.

-Which account?

It's spelled "E.B".

-(Clickety click)No, No account by that name.

I hang up the phone.

Damn, now I've missed the exciting part.

I flip over the the backup tape in the recorder to make it look that the backup has indeed run and go home.
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Well I bought it from him. I'm hoping this transaction doesn't end like the last one.
I'm filled with depression that someone would marry RedBaron and not me ;p

(I mean, assuming that part is true at least)
Well I bought it from him. I'm hoping this transaction doesn't end like the last one.

Can't wait for the divorce proceedings then. I'm sure he said he would be divorced if he sold it. And sold it he has :-) Unless of course he's full of shit. And I think we all know that's true.

Well, I'll find out in a few days. He has a substantial amount of my money. You can bet if I got screwed over, I will get my money back. So we will see.
its your own fault if you bought something from the baron, hes been known around the whole internet of trolling the marketplaces and trading forums
its your own fault if you bought something from the baron, hes been known around the whole internet of trolling the marketplaces and trading forums

That was crass of you. I did a lookup on him and didn't find anything significant until people started posting links from other forums after the fact. Since he is on his third name, I wouldn't know. So my question is if you all know his nature then why was he allowed to post a trade? or why was there no warning? Being jerky to me doesn't improve the situation. It only aggravates a already heated issue. Thanks for your concern. :blink:
There's no need for concern. RB can be a twit sometimes, but I've never heard of him not completing a transaction. There's been a couple of times where he'll say "I bought such-and-such but I haven't gotten it yet, scam, liar, cheat rabble rabble rabble oh look, here it is, nevermind".

The other thing is he has a tendency to buy and sell indiscriminately. You may have bought his Pandora, but I think that may actually be his second or third one that he's bought and then sold, and it's unlikely to be his last.
There's no need for concern. RB can be a twit sometimes, but I've never heard of him not completing a transaction. There's been a couple of times where he'll say "I bought such-and-such but I haven't gotten it yet, scam, liar, cheat rabble rabble rabble oh look, here it is, nevermind".

The other thing is he has a tendency to buy and sell indiscriminately. You may have bought his Pandora, but I think that may actually be his second or third one that he's bought and then sold, and it's unlikely to be his last.

Thanks WizardStan. I really don't care about how many he buys and sells or how much a "twit" he may be. I just care about completing the transaction on equitable terms for each party. In the next couple of months when orders can be taken I plan to buy another one. I want this one to tweek it, prod it's guts and use it for prepping for Master Gunner School. :blink:
but on the other hand, hes on his third nickname in this community for a reason, trolling the trading forums is one of the main reasons for being banned, and this wasnt the only forum hes been banned from trading in. just a fair heads up
Ahhh Yes, Thanks for the hind sight. :blink: :blink:

However I will say this. He has been forthwith throughout the transaction and has answered promptly every email I have sent him. So I will not become jaded unless something bad happens....(knock knock) :blink:
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Ahhh Yes, Thanks for the hind sight. :blink: :blink:

However I will say this. He has been forthwith throughout the transaction and has answered promptly every email I have sent him. So I will not become jaded unless something bad happens....(knock knock) :blink:

You'll get your Pandora - if there's one thing RB does well, it's sell his handhelds. The process goes somewhat like this:

1. Ask forums which handheld emulates <thing> best

2. Buy something else

3. Realise that it's crap

4. Sell it.

And then

5. Buy Pandora

6. Fail to understand how Pandora and/or emulator works

7. Sell Pandora

And now

8. Get divorced.

It's a never-ending loop, it really is.

Now I'm wondering if I sent him enough for the divorce? Well if it's a non-contested no-fault he should have plenty with enough to get a Foster's or two. :blink:
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