Yes, I believe in Darwin's theory, and we have evolved into a succesful species because of our want to do GOOD for others, and have thefefore been able to live very well in a community because of our unselfish intentions. Causing good relationships, sex, babies, evolution etc etc etc.
That is NOT Darwin's theory. Darwin's theory is that species change because of natural selection (he never mentions the word "evolution" even once in
The Origin of Species).
Natural Selection - Parent organisms pass on their characteristics to their offspring. Those whose characteristics best enable them to produce the most offspring are the ones who are more represented in the gene pool.
That's IT. Nothing there about "good intentions". Good intentions can indeed help the human race survive, but so can many other factors. Look at the mosquito; I doubt they have ANY good intentions, and yet there are a hella lot more of them than humans on this planet.
This is pretty much my belief as an agnostic. When scientists theorized the formula for the Big Bang (the theorized beginning of the universe), they were asked what came before the Big Bang. Well by their calculations, nothing could come before the Big Bang.
If you knew your physics, you would know that
this is not true. I really recommend that everybody visit
this website that I linked to earlier; scroll down, it's a kind of FAQ for a lot of the arguments that have been made here...
As an archaeologist, I know a nice little saying that applys in this context
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"
In other words, just because we dont have any proof that a God exists, doesn't mean that there IS no God...
Like I said... open-minded.
Nicely said, Axeman.
Another note; just because science does not currently have an explanation for something, it does not mean that no explanation exists. Take that finding-water-with-a-stick example that I talked about earlier; it was thought to be something supernatural for a long time, but scientists eventually found out how it worked.
P.S. You're an archaeologist, Axeman? Very cool.
Where do you work?