What's your biggest fear in life?


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Have 3:

  • Family/Loved ones/friends getting physically hurt or worse in an accident/foul play.
  • Ruturning home only to find out that your whole house has been burgled (all the retro games, priceless artifacts, hard to find or discontinued goods and sentimental belongings all gone)...irreplaceable.
  • I go out and come back to find out my house went ablaze (all the retro games, priceless artifacts, hard to find or discontinued goods and sentimental belongings all up in smoke).
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Pandora 2 never comes to fruition :)

No seriously though, probably if any of my kids/wife die before I do. Would be harsh to outlive your offspring and I cant imagine what its like in War torn countries when a predator drone decides to wipe out your whole wedding party/family picnic, incase your a terrorist training camp resembling one of Rumsfelds cartoons of his imagination!
Death for me too, it's awful to think that everything that we are has to end. It's also awful to look at your kids and think that one day they will have to face the end.

Secondly would have to be losing my mind, or any of my close family losing theirs. Senility or becoming a vegetable.
I've lost my mind a few times (as is obvious) and at that point its awful to look at your kids and think that one day, they may end up like all that you are :lol:

As for vegetables and senility kicking in, I have a back up plan...stockpile lots and lots of Acid and enter (as ungracefully to others as you can. We'll you had to put up with their crap in your prime right? Just kidding) into a truly fun state of vegetation :p

Getting old, love, senile, dead is all a part of life though and really its to be embraced


This. Death does not bother me. I'm oddly excited by the prospect of seeing whether or not there is existence beyond this one. I believe that there is, though not the "Heaven" or "Nirvana" or whathaveyou that most people believe in (though I make no judgement calls if that's your thing).

I could not stand to be at the end of my life and know that I failed - that is, that I failed because I did not try my best. There's no shame in not succeeding if you've given it your all.

I want to die content. I don't care if I'm rich. I don't care if I'm famous. Having some loved ones to leave behind would be nice as well.
Death is inevitable and we all die alone. Thus it's not very useful to be afraid of that.

My current biggest fear is I won't have my Pandora before CCC Camp :(

Oh, and girls.
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sony is right, thats where i pulled it from, another death fear of mine would be to die in a volcano, i love playing with fire as much as the next idiot, but burning to death is likely the only way i dont want to die