Fgen wasnt enetered b/c it cant be (it was never entered in a previous compo) and something tells me osnes wasnt entered either... I dont know, I dont think Craig would keep something that big from us for so long. I hope I'm wrong though.
Or maybe you were just referring to fgen stealing gigadrives lime light in general; if so, my bad. Btw- fgen is f'in sick! Just got the beta the other day and i cant wait for the public release
indeed, i was referring to a gbax2004 extended releases of gigadrive and the what was rumoured as last week release of fgen!
the new fgen owns all
only it kept crashing when i tried to load up my S3&K saves so my dreams of playing it all the way through were dashed!
hmmmm, i'm starting to think we could be in for a bit of a disappointment here! no offence to the devs but i'm not really a homebrew gamer, im in it for the emus, i'll be happy as larry and larry's best mate once i've got snes, megadrive and ngpc!