Whats fair sale value for this Turbo Express (Turbo Grafx mobile) collection?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I'm thinking of selling this rare beast; the Turbo Grafx had the best ports of many games (non-sucky R-type!), compared to most machines in its day. So I've kept this stuff a long time, but I really don't use it.

The Turbo Express is pretty rare and valuable.. on ebay it often goes for $150-$250 USD (or used to.) I'm not sure what the games go for. Theres a few on ebay right now for $200, $250, and more (I need to check the completed listings, see how much they've actually _sold_ for, though..); the games.. the crummy ones go for $15ish, but the better ones can go for $20, $30, or more depending on rarity. I've also got the Turbo Grafx hucard adaptor to Express, so it can use the Grafx games as well.( The bastards swapped some of the pins, to make you buy twice.. so everyone just got an adaptor instead.)

But I've got a good collection all in one place.. so what do you think I should try to get? I'm thinking of trying ot sell on kijiji (a buy and sell site, thaqt is quite popular), and failing that.. ebay.

(if any of you guys want it, feel free to bug me; but please, don't submarine your cost estiamtion to try and get a good deal ;)

I'm betting this could go for $300-$400, somewhere in there.. given say $200 for the machine, plus 16 games (most of which are good), plus the adaptor accessory.. it really should land $400 or more.

But I'm not up to date with it.... please recommend.

Picture just taken: clicky..


Thanks for your advice!


First cut of ad text I wrote up..:

Turbo Express - the rare mobile version of the Turbo Grafx classic retro home game console.

Fully working machine, barely used, in original box. Original manual included!

The very best arcade game ports and its own classic library .. one of the best gaming machines ever made. This is a rare mobile
version of the machine.. you don't see these very often, especially with a pretty good gaming collection. This is some of the very
best of the retro period of gaming. Street Fighter II, R-type and more.. and not the junky ports other machines got; these are

Street Fighter II (with complete case)
Bonks Adventure (with complete case)
Bonks Revenge (with complete case)
Blazing Lasers (with complete case)
Raiden (with complete case)
R-Type (with complete case)
Military Madness
Gradius (with complete case)  
Moto Roader
Keith Courage (with complete case)
Space Harrier (with complete case)
Galaga 90 (with complete case)
Aero Blasters
Legendary Axe II
Takin it to the Hoop
World Class Baseball

Accessory: Tv game adaptor, so Turbo Grafx Hucards can be used on the Turbo Express!
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I would say a little higher -> $400 - $500.  Has it been re-capped?
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I would say a little higher -> $400 - $500.  Has it been re-capped?
No idea what you mean, so.. no; its in its original state.

(Do you mean capacitors, like applying a pile of new caps to arcade monitor neckboards etc? Whats all involved.. just a few caps, or a pile of work? I prefer not to open it.. keep it in original state for new owner.)

Re-cap means the capacitors replaced.  There is a known issue I believe with the capacitors on these dying over time.  Obviously though if it still works it doesn't need to be done yet. However, I have noticed in the past that some people pay attention to whether it has been recapped or not in regard to final auction price.
I'm currently recapping an old Gamegear.  Bit of a pain cos at least one of them has leaked, but from what I can tell all the damage is reversible.  It's a known issue with Gamegears though - not sure if the TE has the same issue yet.

Just wonder if it's not worth splitting out some of those games.  As you say, some of the ports are exceptional, although at the same time I wonder what the impact of having the games released on Wii etc. has on prices.
Hey Jeff, excellent set. I would personally offer you 300 for the set if I was going to make an offer(then I would try to flip for a few extra bucks), but you should honestly be able to get between 500-700 if you wait on the right buyer.

Does the TE have all the inside packaging and original paperwork that was there originally? How would you rate the units condition? A, B-, C+? does it show signs of use, or does it look brand new? Depending on condition and completeness, you could get upwards of 300 just for that alone.

Trust me, I sale on Ebay all year long, and presentation is everything. That adapter alone can also be 100-200 depending on if it's still made and how desirable it is. Most items like that where only made for a short period and can be more rare than the consoles they where made for.

The games are good, but I'm sure most of those aren't worth all that much alone, but as a package deal, there icing on the cake. So the unit boxed and the adapter could be worth around 500 alone. Try to search around and see what the demand is for the adapter, as that could the "grail" of your set.

Years ago, the adaptoid for the N64 easily went for 100-200 as production had ended years before, and demand was high. It was the only way to 100% use an N64 controller with your PC. Now, other alternatives may be available, so they don't go as high, but you get the idea.

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The Game Converter sells New on eBay for $200.  A used one is probably worth $150 by itself. 

A boxed Turbo Express sells for $175-$200

The games as a lot would sell for around $175-$200

That's how I would sell it. As three lots.
Interesting; I have not seen the adaptor in years anywhere, so you could well be right about its value.

I was figuring to go for about $400 .. I tend to offer on the low side and go for quicker sales, if I sell at all; I've had a huuuge retro collection, but clearing pieces out over the years; I used to keep stuff for 'awesome nerd stuff' sake, but now I've decided to keep stuff that I actually will uswe, that I will let my kids fiddle with.. not stuff thats 'too valuable to play with'.

A buddy of mnine may want it though, which puts a new twist in; if I Sell to him.. do I dive the value, just cause hes a buddy, but put the clause on he doesn't flip it like a douche ;)

PC Engine / Turbo Grafx / Tuexo Express etc.. they're one of the weird gold mines.

Atari XE is rare as heck too, probably rarer.. but peopel don't seem to look for those sorts of things as much; I guess 'home computer' peopel were less than 'home console' people, and the PC Engine was highly desirable abck then.. out of most peoples reaches.. so its held its value nicely, where as no one cares about old Ataris...

I'd give you $400 for it immediately.

I sold my Boxed Turbo Express a couple of years ago and regret it to this day.

But you could get more for it on eBay. 
Daaamn, I wish I didn't have a friend into it now; its spoken for now ..

But hey, now I"m getting a nice vacuum pump desolder station, to do more mad-hacking with :o

I think the Turbo/PCEngine is a rare piece, a special palce in history that makes it uniquely valuable. I doubt many of my other pieces are worth so much.

(I do have some extremely rare pieces, but never letting any more of those go; sold off a couple Atari ST laptops awhile ago, broke my heart but needed the $$ ;)

Thanks for your input everyone; I was not aware people doing capping on home consoles (I do it on arcade boards and monitors), nor that game converters were a niche item.


well not really
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A fair price you say....


I never owned one of those myself, unfortunately

Anyone here own/ed the PC Engine LT?

They pretty costly to pick up, used to see them on ebay for around £900 a lot, nowadays still always £600 ish

Too much for my collection sadly
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I was figuring to go for about $400 .. I tend to offer on the low side and go for quicker sales, if I sell at all; I've had a huuuge retro collection, but clearing pieces out over the years; I used to keep stuff for 'awesome nerd stuff' sake, but now I've decided to keep stuff that I actually will uswe, that I will let my kids fiddle with.. not stuff thats 'too valuable to play with'.
Been there, done that as well. I had a pretty kick ass collection over the years myself, but 90% of it has sailed away :lol:  I had the same problems, stuff worth so much, I didn't want to use it. So I finally had to say, why keep this stuff if I don't ever use it?

Hopefully your friend will actually play with the collection and use it. I've gotten collectibles from friends over the years at descent prices, and I always make the deal, that if I ever sell the stuff above what I paid, I'll split the difference with them. That way I'm not ripping off a friend by getting a good deal now, and profiting later. It's only fair.
