What Size Is The Pandora Screen.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
Bury St. Edmunds, UK
I know it is 4.3" but what is the exact width/height?
Are the pixels square and preserve the 5 to 3 aspect ratio?

I'm trying to work out what is the smallest font that remains finger selectable.
Display Size (Diagonal) 4.3 Inch
Aspect ratio 15:9
Active Area (HxV) 93.6 x 56.16 mm
Dot Pitch (HxV) 0.039 x 0.117 mm

More info here: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/pandora.cgi?0,0,0,0,45,23
To add to what greendots says, the resolution is 800x480, though you very likely know that already. :P

The pixels seem to be square, as far as I could see - they're very, very tiny, though, to the point that things displayed on them look more like they've been magically printed onto the screen.
Thanks Guys.

I mapped this out on Graph paper. Gosh that screen is small. Not many lines of text if I want them to be finger selectable.
Thinking about 48 pixels (10 Lines). Quite chunky (edit: in a very small way :P).
may88 said:
Thanks Guys.

I mapped this out on Graph paper. Gosh that screen is small. Not many lines of text if I want them to be finger selectable.
Thinking about 48 pixels (10 Lines). Quite chunky (edit: in a very small way :P ).

I just played around in ommpc a bit and I think you'll find that 48 is going to be way too large. One thing to remember is that you have to have some sort of spacing between the lines, so you would be getting less that 10 per screen if the actual font is 48px tall. Here is a list with a font size of 48(please forgive the poor "screenshots"). Just FYI, that section of the screen is 380px tall.


Here is the same list at a font size of 32, that's 10 per 380px, so with spacing I guess it comes about to be about a 38px tall "button". I find I can accurately select in this list without issue and I have decently pudgy fingers....in fact even down to a font of 28px or so seems okay. Lower than that and it becomes very hit or miss...

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