I figure it'll matter little whether I'll use Python 2.5 or 2.6, but before starting to code I thought it best to check which version is best to use if one intends to develop for the Pandora platform. Any thoughts?
Hokay, now I just need to decide between Pyglet and PyGame... the latter is more likely to be ported, the former is less hassle to get good performance on x86 machines. I suppose I could always just have the option for two renderers. Yay modular programming.
I use mostly software acceleration in PyGame to get the most compatibility. I wonder if hardware acceleration will be supported through PyGame (this would mean hardware acceleration through SDL right?) on the Pandora.
I use mostly software acceleration in PyGame to get the most compatibility. I wonder if hardware acceleration will be supported through PyGame (this would mean hardware acceleration through SDL right?) on the Pandora.
I actually asked this in a thread on the other boards and was told that basically, yes, 2D operations will be hardware accelerated on the Pandora. Unfortunately I can't really give you any details since I wasn't told any.
Still, I'd like what I make to be playable on PC too, and for the more heavy duty things on PC I'd want hardware acceleration too, and as far as I know there is no easy way of doing this using PyGame.