What is your avatar of?


hide again. Oh and how im growing my hair ^_^
Lol. I dont care how masculine you think I am... im not that kind of person :P

I may not be the most manly of people but the women seem to like that :D

I generally get compliments about my hair in clubs aswell and stuff :P
Err... btw kkdd_cf, what is this:

I've just always wondered.
lol is it that shit. :P
erm it's a windups backround I made using panther osx running on it's default backound. The quality is awful cos I made the gif in the wrong format at the time. Oh well least it makes it better for 56k'ers.
Do you really think we're that stupid? It's blatantly not Panther OS X, it's Windows with a crappy OS X shell over it. As shown by the placement of the 'start menu', clock, and system tray icons. Use a real Mac desktop please :)
Yeah I know, it's called panther osx, that's it's windows shell name. I knwo it's not the real one. ;)
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