What Happened To The Gba Emu For Gp32?


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
I've been away for a loooooooong time and lost track, what was it's final status and is it still being worked on?
it is still being worked on, from what i understand, the people working on it are working on it as a school project the last update i believe is they released a version for the blu+
What was the speed? (sound, no sound) and did any games whatsoever work at a playable pace? (just curious)
none worked at any playable speed that I tried, i downloaded the entire pack of homebrewn games and none of those worked as well. I only did try a couple of commercial games though, maybe there are some that work, but I haven't heard of any that work at any decent speed and none will work at all with sound.
Who wants to be a Millionaire works perfectly, it's a little slow but that doesn't matter as much with that sort of game.

I think the school project that GPAdvance was for actually ended and they handed it in. As far as I was aware this meant that they may or may not continue with it, and if they do it will be at a much slower pace than when we were getting multiple updates a day!! Personally I think we're unlikely to see significant updates, although I would LOVE to be wrong about that!

Their site says it's still being worked on, but NO CODE WHATSOEVER has been checked in at sourceforge for over 4 months. Their site says it's "not dead," but in my experience, that's usually a sign that a project is dead.

Also, they didn't do a white bar fix. I did it for them.
Once there work has been graded accordingly, I wonder if they'll release it to the public like several other people? I don't mean the source code as we have that already, I mean the documentation which is normally about 70% of the marks. I always find the documentation much more interesting than the source, as they normally describe there thinking and reasoning behind each part of the project.
huh, babelfish is rubbish. I was trying to tell my teacher to shut up but ened up saying shut, thanks to babelfish grr...
you're right, when it says it is not dead, it usually means it is, just like with goity gang...
IT would be interesting to see the documentation, and probably easier to fix some issues and add to the emulator.
the emu is quite remarkable already, slow or not
I sent a message to this girl in Chinese, I said something like, I'll be excited to meet you,

It translated to like, "When we contact, I will be highly stimulated"

They must do that on purpose :P