What happened to Capcom games n UK distribution

It was a Capcom Licence, not Capcom Developing. I believe they were porting SFA3, but it was deemed "too hard" and was given up on.
The GP32 should be able to cope with CPS1 but you are limited to games under about 6meg if you give 1 meg for the emu and 1 meg for the screens and such.

Will be nice when a good CPS emu is released for the gp32.

Uses a 68000 like the atari ST.


JDUK posted on May 22 2003 said:
Damn i really want SFA3 :( will it run in any up comming mame/cp1 or will the 8mb memory be a problem?
i really want it too :( (more than any other game really!)

as far as i'm aware SFA3 uses the capcom CPS2 board so i doubt there's anyway we'll be seeing a playable version of it on the GP32 :(

the closest (and 2nd best) option might be to wait until SNES emulation gets to full speed (which i'm not sure it ever will either) and get Street Fighter Alpha 2 on the SNES (i am yet to find the SNES version of this, but it sounds really good from the reviews i've read - it was one of the last ever SNES games!)

either that or wait an even longer time until GBA emulation is possible then play the GBA version :P (but i doubt that will happen either)

ah well, one can hope.....i'll be content with ANY console/arcade emu Street Fighter 2 though....even the original World Warrior edition! i just wanna play the damn game on my GP32 :P
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streetfighter games run at a playeable enough speed on snes emu. I have one loaded up right now and while it lacks sound and is not totaly full speed it is still enjoyable enough to be played. There is no way that the arcade version of sfa3 will ever be playable on the gp32 but I would say emulation of the original version of sf2 from the arcade would work. If someone made an emulator that could play cps-1 games which I beleave is possibe to be emulated at a pretty decent speed I would never ask for anything more. Capcom puts out the best games in my opinon and I am content playing some on the snes emulator but cps-1 emulation would rock. Just think of arcade versions of final fight, street fighter, gost and ghouls.
Someones doing kof for gp32, it might not be capcom but imo it's better

I love you snk and iceman
The kof recreation could be really good or really bad depending on how it is done. So far it looks like its going to be really sweet but I know that he is ripping graphics from the game then trying to create a game engine around it and with all of those charactors and all of the movies that every charactor has it could take a really long time to finish. Its a big project, bigger than I would bother doing but it will be amazing if hs sticks with it. If all I had were neo-geo and capcom games to play at all I would be happy. In my opinon they are the best out there.
I've got the SFA2 rom for SNES - and don't get excited about the game. Principally because it's stupidly compressed a la Star Ocean. Or at least, its in the same sort of thing as it basically requires zSnes to be useable. If Intellecto *really* re-writes Snes9x completely and understands it intimately, (as well as, of course, why the rom won't work in Snes9x and will in zSnes) maybe it'll run eventually, but don't get your hopes up. At least not too soon.

Of course, last time I checked was a couple of months ago... maybe there's a newer ver os Snes9x since then that runs it...

...Then again, that probably won't be the ver that's being ported (since its been in the works for a looong time)
bullet posted on May 22 2003 said:
It was a Capcom Licence, not Capcom Developing. I believe they were porting SFA3, but it was deemed "too hard" and was given up on.
"Too hard" how could a game like that be "too hard"? If there really is soem speed probs, just srip out some graphics, and it is all fixed.
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SFA3 arcade definitely isn't possible, as it's CPS2, a late release CPS2 at that (does that make any difference?), it uses as much space as the hardware allowed and it pushed it to the limit...and basically, if what craigix said is true about the memory allocation...it's pretty much impossible.

SFA2 on snes, as was said, only runs in zsnes, and even then it won't run without some kind of decryption tables. Even then, from what I heard it's not very good.

SFA1 is CPS2 and it's about 8mb again, but I recall a CPS1 version (a bootleg or something) being around before CPS2 was emulated. I think that rom was around 5 meg, from memory? Maybe not. It's still pushing it and I don't think a MAME port could do the job, because it's not very optimized at all.

SF2/SF2:CE/SF2T are smaller, CPS1 and IMO, quite possible. I also think they had the same resolution as the GP32, which would make it very pretty! You cold also play it on C64 in frodo, but um...don't. Except for a laugh. Guile has epilepsy or does some kind of jig for his win pose! You could try bootleg NES carts or the SMS one, but the NES ones probably won't work (wierd/bad mappers) and the SMS one...urgh. Speaking of, I got a bootleg Game Gear SF2 cart and it's so wrong, not even the names are spelt right! I think guile's name was tile, from memory!

Um...SF1 runs in MAME and was ported to many home machines including C64, Spectrum and Atari ST. But don't bother. None of them were very good, and the arcade one was only cool cos of the speech and the rubber pressure sensitive buttons that broke because people beat the snot out of them.

In the meantime, for SFA games, SFA1 on GBC is your best bet :)
I've got Street Fighter II Champion Edition (PC Engine) on my GP32 but the characters aren't displayed properly. The backgrounds are fine and the speed is decent, though. Maybe someone else has got it working properly?

When Capcom say porting SFA3 was "too hard", I think what they're really saying is "we wouldn't make any money out of it". Looking at the excellent GBA conversion, I've no doubt that the GP32 could produce a better version of the game. Of course it wouldn't be arcade perfect, but the GBA version shows that as long as the gameplay is intact, the conversion can work on less powerful hardware.
I'm no programming but is there a way of using the SMC space to create a temporary RAM space - eg, like a swapfile so large roms over 6mb could be used?
Anyone remember Mugen.

dodgy mugen page I found on google - sorry couldn't find a decent site, Mugen4ever was probably the best but it seems to have died.

easy to make/port characters. There was some better than perfect chars from SFA,KOK,last blade,garou.

You basically put sprites into a editor. saved a file, modified some txt files and presto you've made your charater.

The game was brilliant in it's day, my favourite thing next to emulation. If anyone starts downloading be careful to route through the crap for the good. Most chars from the mentioned games were great. There were some comic sharacters such as Mario etc. Oh yeah and it played mp3's and you could make backgrounds Title screens and intro's char select screens, all animated some excellent rips from SF and King of Fighters were made, every bit as good as the original.

Any chance it could be ported?

was made by electrobyte I think. Don't know if it's open source.

[EDIT] I'll move this to a new thread
I remember being told at one stage that the only reason SMC access was slow was if you were doing it in single bytes as opposed to reading in bulk. So it might be possible to use a swapfile. Ask a coder though (I think most say it isn't, but equally, I'm not sure it's been tried yet).

That said, whilst its possible to read fast, I've yet to see anything that writes to SMC fast.