What game franchises should they stop making?

I don't think there are any franchises I hope would just stop, but they could make some less often and use those resources to try out some new stuff. Annual sports game iterations are a good example. The differences between some of the iterations there feel more like stuff for updates, or at most expansions, but not new games.

I guess what I'd really want is for game developers to stop making games they think would bring the most income and start making the games they want to make. I know no one in the games industry that wants to do endless bland sequels after bland sequels. Of course that's why we have the indie scene. The commercial (I don't know what to call it actually, indie games are commercial too) scene is bound by responsibility to its shareholders to make the most income they can. So I guess I understand why some franchises get overstretched.

Loved all the recent Mario iterations (SMG 1 & 2, NSMBWii) and even the occasionally bashed Metroid sequel that came out a while ago (though it wasn't as close to super metroid as I hoped it to be). Looking forward to my preordered next Zelda iteration. :)
Annual sports game iterations are a good example. The differences between some of the iterations there feel more like stuff for updates, or at most expansions, but not new games.

These things piss me off. Their entire cycle of development consists of changing some text files (to add that year's rosters), perhaps a bug fix or two, and OMG MOAR POLYGONS!!!

If there was ever a franchise that needed to die... okay. Not die... some serious reform, though.... it'd be the entire stinking, slimy, Huttesque monstrosity that is the sports game industry.
You forgot promoting the new game heavily because you can see the players' arm-hairs, now. :lol:

(And I only wish I was joking. One year, that really occurred - on IGN, which I've loooooooooong since stopped reading, there probably still exists the screenshot that is unironically captioned with this information.)
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You forgot promoting the new game heavily because you can see the players' arm-hairs, now. :lol:

(And I only wish I was joking. One year, that really occurred - on IGN, which I've loooooooooong since stopped reading, there probably still exists the screenshot that is unironically captioned with this information.)

Whaaa whaaa what? LOL Oh man, that is good news. Wow Prom you just made my day, and the day of all Yeti's who have dreams of the turf and contracts with EA!!
I like Uncharted reminds me of when Tomb Raider was good.

Speaking of Tomb Raider that is getting terrible, they should stop :P
Tomb Raider now has a sexy teenage Lara. I like it again.

Oh how I remember the days when we searched for ways to get the hideously low-poly Lara naked. Or was that just me?