What game franchises should they stop making?

The should stop making all the Mario spin-off titles. Sometimes it seems than Nintendo can't release games without Mario anymore. I also wouldn't mind if they put a halt on all shooter franchises for a couple of years.

To be more serious, I don't really care all that much. I just buy those I like and ignore the rest.
What I want them to stop making is Spyro titles, I've been playing them since the beginning on the PS1. They were great then, and the first few on the PS2 were good too. But when they moved on to the PS3 they decided to change everything; they still call it Spyro, but it is a completely different game that is, frankly, shitty.
There is more than the PSX Spyro Game? I didn't know this, I only know this game from the PSX but I never had any Sony Consoles by myself. ^^

The should stop making all the Mario spin-off titles. Sometimes it seems than Nintendo can't release games without Mario anymore. I also wouldn't mind if they put a halt on all shooter franchises for a couple of years.
Mario IS Nintendo, they will never stop making these games, same for Zelda. ;)

I agree in stopping Pokemon Games, they should have stopped this 10 Years ago, the games are actualy always the same. But I'm for more Sonic games because one day there has to be a good one again. Sonic 4 looks great, but I was not able to play it yet since the lack of Consoles. Pandora Port anyone? :D They also plan a 3D Sonic that plays like the old 2D games, I wonder if this works at all.
Mario IS Nintendo, they will never stop making these games, same for Zelda. ;)
Don't get me wrong, they should not stop making Mario games. However it is kind of boring that whenever you play a sports or party game to see the same set of characters again. All I'm saying is that they should create more new franchises instead of reusing the big ones (Mario, Zelda,...) in everything they make.
Pokemon I am actually OK with the franchise existing. They may not be the type of game that many of us in particular enjoy, but I can see many elements that come together in a way that I know a lot of people do enjoy, so to start with I recognize that they are actually good games whether you specifically like them or not. They also release updates for each new generation of hardware. This isn't "we released a game, and next year we're going to release a very similar game but the lighting will be a little better and water will do some cool stuff"; each game is a generational step up and comes with a large mountain of new features. When they make a direct remake, it's a remake onto the next generation of hardware such that it also includes a lot of new features granted by the hardware.
Anyone here familiar with Treasure? They hardly make sequels, but when they do, they're sequels done right; games with lots of things done differently, but still retaining the charm (and core idea) of the original.
What I want them to stop making is Spyro titles, I've been playing them since the beginning on the PS1. They were great then, and the first few on the PS2 were good too. But when they moved on to the PS3 they decided to change everything; they still call it Spyro, but it is a completely different game that is, frankly, shitty.
At least they didn't make that planned blood-guts-and-gore Spyro that they were planning. That would have been an unmitigated disaster, in the same vein as giving cuddly cartoon animals firearms in an entirely serious, non-humourous, and non-ironic fashion. (And I think somebody already did that, too... :rolleyes: )

I must admit, whilst the Spyro link is very, very tenuous, and whilst I don't find the stub-nosed, angry-looking Spyro design anywhere near as endearing as the way he appeared in the first game, I'm very much looking forward to Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure for the Wii and 3DS (the 3DS version is different from the home-console ones, so is essentially a portable companion-game), as it looks rather fun. :P (The gameplay looks rather like a cross between the first Spyro and Croc games, which suits me just fine!)

but at the same time it is totally frustrating to see things I do like go away. Breath of Fire, Mega Man Legends, Lost Vikings, Advanced wars. :(
I'm still waiting for Mega Man ZX 3. That was the one where my namesake and his sibling were supposed to take the lead... :P

Anyone here familiar with Treasure? They hardly make sequels, but when they do, they're sequels done right; games with lots of things done differently, but still retaining the charm (and core idea) of the original.
I must admit, I've never enjoyed a single game by Treasure... Something always feels a bit "off" about them to me, in some way that's very difficult to describe.
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Red Faction....They should have left it at Guerilla and please stick a fork in Fear!!!! :blink:
I must admit, I've never enjoyed a single game by Treasure... Something always feels a bit "off" about them to me, in some way that's very difficult to describe.

Your opinion is wrong. >:[
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I agree with the Final Fantasy, and Call of Money.

What I want them to stop making is Spyro titles, I've been playing them since the beginning on the PS1. They were great then, and the first few on the PS2 were good too. But when they moved on to the PS3 they decided to change everything; they still call it Spyro, but it is a completely different game that is, frankly, shitty.

Another one is Worms, after the first one, they were basically remake upon remake. And I was ok with this (my personal favourite was Worms World Party), but then they decided to go 3D, and it destroyed the game as much as 3D did to Sonic, I'll just keep playing me Worms World Party, and wait to see the next peice of rubbish Team 17 push out. (I have to admiit they have made a couple of new 2D ones recently, and they were quite good, but they just lack the feeling of the older ones).

This is just in my opinion though, of course.
Yup.The first worms on the amiga was a great multiplayer game.The later versions were too sanitised and polished.The original was alot of fun

They should stop making most of the Nintendo games like Mario, etc and start making more new IPs.

Also, moved to Other Consoles.
Definately. The 3ds really needed some new ips at launch.I have yet to find anything worth playing on my 3ds and so stick to my pandora for handheld gaming.
I would like to kill:

Worms + Dead Or Alive + Mario +

I would like to resurrect:

Dizzy + Syphon Filter + Jet Moto / Jet Rider + Thief + System Shock + Terminator: SkyNet / FS + Blood :)
+1 for a proper sequel to siphon filter 2 i must say.but yes dead or alive and its certainly still alive should be stopped and tekken also.
Call of Duty keeps all the chavs and kids out of decent multiplayer shooters. It's doing gaming a great service.

This, this is why they should make more "cool looking" games so that kiddies stay away from good games. -_-

But honestly, I wouldn't wish any game to die off. Imagine the feeling of liking a game that everyone hates and then it dies?
I'm going to have to tend to disagree with most of the people in this thread.

With consoles there's a lot to be said for moving franchises up through the console generations given the average consumer won't exactly be buying a Retrode and other hardware to enable them to rip their cartridges and disk images to a Pandora type device. And if you are in the position to be doing so did Mario 64 DS or Final Fantasy III for the DS somehow actually hurt the prior titles by their mere existence?

I also don't really follow the Call of Duty hate. My first exposure to the franchise, thanks to a gift certificate that came with hardware I was buying anyways, was the then latest title Modern Warfare 2 which did a very good job of executing its formula in an effective manner. I swore off multiplayer back in the Quake 2 days when after watching a cluster of guys pogo jumping across the map, and recognizing that that people preferred to try to break the game instead of play it. So the same exact tendencies being noted as on display with this shooter doesn't surprise me.

But then people like to pretend DLC is somehow different from the paid Expansion Pack market model that has been with gaming at the very least since Id decided to implement their shareware strategy in the era of the 80286. Of course, this is from the perspective of someone who tends to buy hardware on a 5 year cycle and also tends to wait with regards to buying games.
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Quite frankly, I'd like to see entire genres get reduced more so than series, I'm sick of generic, indistinct games. Don't get me wrong: I've enjoyed all the Halo and Mario titles I've picked up thus far, but it tends to be the same old thing. Sure, there's occasionally a cool new feature or slight variation in the story, but after awhile it just gets repetitive.

I'd really love to see unused IP get picked up more, like Mirror's Edge, for example.

I wanna see new characters.

I wanna see new genres.

I wanna see new games.


Ah well, looks like somebody will have to start programming ;)

Oh right, this is why we have the Pandora!
I also don't really follow the Call of Duty hate. My first exposure to the franchise, thanks to a gift certificate that came with hardware I was buying anyways, was the then latest title Modern Warfare 2 which did a very good job of executing its formula in an effective manner. I swore off multiplayer back in the Quake 2 days when after watching a cluster of guys pogo jumping across the map, and recognizing that that people preferred to try to break the game instead of play it. So the same exact tendencies being noted as on display with this shooter doesn't surprise me.

I remember when I first played Quake 2 online. Someone shot me and I died. Then I respawned and came back and shot someone, but they didn't die! Then I got killed again! How could they kill me that fast?! I couldn't do that! Then I saw someone moving fast, so I pressed the walk forward button, but I didn't move that fast! So I came to the perfectly sane and logical conclusion that they were all cheating the game mechanics, and immediately quit. There was obviously no chance that there were some complex game mechanics that require skill and determination to master! That's just silly! And that's the day that I swore never to play video games ever again. True story.

Anyway, the only game series that comes to mind that I think they should've stopped making is Sonic games. I wouldn't wish it to end, but it's definitely the closest franchise. It's kind of too late now, though. :( Does Sega even try anymore?

Other than not wanting to see a game series you love be changed into something you hate, why would you want any franchises to end? If you don't like a game, don't play it. There's no need to wish it upon those who love it that the franchise ends. That's just being an asshole.
Anyone who thinks it is mean or a dick thing to want to cancel a video game series I think you are basically correct, but I suppose my presumption is that there is a very real limit of development resources and in order to crank out another oh lets say Army of Two game, a game like Shadow of the colossus is put on the back burner and not released or released with a major delay. It would be nice to have it all though. :unsure: I guess my point is that there are real reasons to prune tree's of dead branches and there are real reasons to wish game series go away in a world of limited time and energy.

I see some amount of anti mario sequels on this thread, did people not like Mario Galaxy 1 or 2? I thought they were really quite good, especially 2. The co-op multiplayer, was a really great way to get a second person involved, and they took that up a level in Galaxy 2. I am looking forward to a mario galaxy 3
I see some amount of anti mario sequels on this thread, did people not like Mario Galaxy 1 or 2? I thought they were really quite good, especially 2. The co-op multiplayer, was a really great way to get a second person involved, and they took that up a level in Galaxy 2. I am looking forward to a mario galaxy 3

I actually really enjoyed Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. There wasn't really all that much new "stuff" from 1 to 2, but that also meant that 2 was good because 1 was good! And the overall gameplay was the same as Sunshine which was overall the same as 64. I liked all of them. That means if I like 64's gameplay, I probably am going to like Sunshine's gameplay, and so on. I'm fine with companies creating sequels to games, as long as the games are still fun to play at the end of the day. And if people get bored with game sequels because they're repetitive, I've got not problem with that. It's understandable. I definitely don't buy EA's yearly sports titles every year (or at all, for that matter!). The game industry needs more unique and new franchises, in addition to good sequels of quality games.