What Films Do You Want To Download For Your Gp32?

What PD films should I be processing for GP32 Theatre?

  • Martial arts films! (i.e, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Sonny Chiba)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Horror films! (i.e, Bela Lugosi, Spike Lee, Peter Cushing)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Westerns! (i.e, John Wayne, Lee Van Cleef, Tom Selleck)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sci-fi films! (i.e, Roger Corman)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • History/War films! (i.e anything that involves getting one-up against Jerry, what!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Old TV shows! (i.e Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Beverly Hillbillies, Bonanza)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Old cartoons! (i.e, Merrie Melodies, Superman, Tex Avery)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stuff with actors I might have actually heard of (e.g; Jack Nicholson, Robert Deniro, Peter Sellers,

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just download whatever you can ^_^

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


FI5H Agent
Nov 22, 2004
University of Bradford
Visit site
Thought I'd actually give you people some say into the stuff that I'm going to upload to GP32 theatre :D. Most, if not all, of these things I have both lists of PD and sources for, so I can probably get some of everything without too much trouble, I just want to know what I should be getting first.

Also, if you can't access the GP32 theatre site, tell me, because if theres more than a handful, I'll consider uploading some of the smaller stuff (or even chopped up versions of the films) onto my own server.

EDIT: Also, did one of the mods edit my sig, because theres no way in hell that I laid it out the way it was. I'm perfectly willing to make it both short AND pretty, yaknow...
If you happen across some 8th man episodes (not exactly sure if it's PD though...but probably is cause it's a really old cartoon) it would be cool to see that on the GP32.
I can't decide, toons or martial arts movies...so I put toons...but keep them kung-fu flix coming! Can you get any of those martial arts movies dubbed in english? I hate reading my action movies! :D
thanx for the flix!

BobBorakovitz posted on Apr 5 2005 at 08:45 AM said:
I can't decide, toons or martial arts movies...so I put toons...but keep them kung-fu flix coming! Can you get any of those martial arts movies dubbed in english? I hate reading my action movies! :D
thanx for the flix!


Most of the martial arts films I coming through are dubbed. It's only a couple which are subbed, and at the moment they're causing more problems than they're worth.
So yeah, theres plenty of dubbed ones coming.

Huxley posted on Apr 5 2005 at 08:51 AM said:
Some Sonny Chiba would be awesome. Keep up the good work :)

'The Street Fighter' and 'Return of the Street Fighter' are on their way. :D

I take it it's a good thing that I have all these martial arts films on my download list then? :P
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i voted anything but prefere kung fu and sci fi my self. please only submit if you are 100% sure they are public domain. Im gonna put another disclaimer on the site to say if they aren't to email me and the will be down at once.
What about Sister Streetfighter, or what`s the name, watched True Romance a while back, he said "Die Schwester des Streetfigher" (yeah, german) and I can`t remeber what`s was written on the big theater banner...
Quiest posted on Apr 5 2005 at 01:14 PM said:
What about Sister Streetfighter, or what`s the name, watched True Romance a while back, he said "Die Schwester des Streetfigher" (yeah, german) and I can`t remeber what`s was written on the big theater banner...

If I can find it on the network, then I'll get it. Unfortanatly, it's one of the lesser known spinoffs of 'The Street Fighter'.

sam fisher posted on Apr 5 2005 at 10:55 AM said:
i voted anything but prefere kung fu and sci fi my self. please only submit if you are 100% sure they are public domain. Im gonna put another disclaimer on the site to say if they aren't to email me and the will be down at once.

A wise idea. I think even the archive have one of those. I'm pretty sure everything that I upload is PD tho. Can't say the same for some of the other stuff that's up there tho...

Magellan posted on Apr 5 2005 at 04:35 PM said:
If you can find any "Battle of the Planets" episodes, I can relive my childhood!

Some sources say they're public domain, but I'm going to look into this more closely...
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sam fisher posted on Apr 5 2005 at 03:28 PM said:
you have adsl or dsl. try disconnectiong and redialling a few times. Its to do with IPs. Dial to change yours and then try. always works for me.
I'll give it a go but do you mean that some IPs are banned from viewing the website? Beause that could be cutting off a large amount of potential visitors. Isn't there a way for you to change that? I don't really fancy rebooting my router everytime I want to visit one site. :huh:
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