What Games Will People Be Trying First?

Elwing said:
Gruso said:
Elwing said:
yep, that is the peril of the pandora's delay... it's not the fact that it will get obsolet, but the fact that its comunity will disolve slowly in favor of a random other target...
Yeah, some things have sadly fallen by the wayside over the last year. But there seems to have been a bit of a bounceback in the last couple of months. It's definitely a good time to ship some Pandoras. Carn cases!

yes, but given the actual news and the overconfident (liers?) history of the pandora I don't see it ship in the next 6 months...

I'm not sure what your implying exactly, but the Pandora to me will be a fun toy when it's out.. personally I don't care if other people find a better toy or what not.. it's a small hand held Linux device. It being able to run Linux implies it will always have some support in some fashion by the Linux community. I may have to compile / hack a bit of my own software to get things working, but hey I like challenges.

I've been following this project for a long time and decided to pre-order when I saw things where close to being finished.. I'm patient.. I will get it when I get it.
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I'll most definitely try Heroes of Might & Magic 2 (via fheroes2) and Warcraft II (via DOSBOX) first. From there I'll probably just try the various console emulators (PSX, N64, SNES, etc.).
Krishna willing, we'll have a stable version of panjoust out by then. 'm sure I'll have a ball with it

This will be immediately followed by a replay of the four PSX final fantasies, including tactics.

Then I will play some 'New Tetris' for N64, maybe some starcraft 64.

From there, Its a blank slate

I've downloaded almost 600 roms from various systems, so I will be primarily in shortage of time, not games.
I will play my own games :P

We are currently working on fixing network-problems on following games:
1. Tankgame http://mybot.se/tankgame.php < singleplayer working > worth downloading just for the great music.
2. KlickyFightyGame http://mybot.se/klickygame.php < got playable multiplayer now, but do not trust that the same thing happens on all clients >

I will release two other games to:
3. Tactical 3d spaceship game, ( got this idea from a battleschool game from Ender books. google "enders game" ;) )
4. RealTimeChess (youtube kungfuchess to get the idea)
yes those are also multiplayer games.

All this will be finnished in 2 months(tm).
Quake III
Keen 4 (dosbox)
Terminal Velocity (dosbox)
King Quest 5 (dosbox)
WaveRace(N64) if it works
Mario 65 (N64)
Soul Blade (psx)
Spyro 3 (psx)
Twisted Metal (psx)
I would love to play U.F.O on the odyssey2 emu if there is one at the Pandora release ,
simple game yet very challenging .Bud
TrashyMG said:
Qemu if it does work will still be limited to DOS Era games and some perhaps early Windows titles (486 like speeds).. sure you could get windows 95/98 working at best.. it's not going to be great for playing windows games since most of the processing power is taken up by emulating the x86 hardware.

Qemu - Win3.11 - SkiFree FTW!
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Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver
Castlevania Symphony of the night
Kingsley's Adventure


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
Starfox 64
Super Mario 64
Paper Mario


Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver (if it's running better than the PSX version)
Rayman 2
lol, Typing of the Dead
Sonic Adventure 1 & 2


Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Super Castlevania IV
Quake III and Battle for Wesnoth are high on my list. I think Abuse could be fun. I've never played Descent, but that could be cool on the Pandora. OpenLiero and OpenTyrian also would be nice.

I guess I haven't given it much thought which games I would like to play. I'm more interested in using it as a pocket development device and creating my own games for it.

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Below the Roots
Summer/Winter Games


Metal Slug - Pick a number.


Twin Cobra


DonkeyKong Country
Zelda - Link to the Past

That should keep me busy for a bit.
i guess ill be sticking to more modern systems. snes and gb megadrive might not get a look in as thats nothing new for a handheld ive owned.
i want to be playing mame and scummvm in proper rez and some ps1 games i tottally forgot about. want to show off what this badboy can do.
cant wait to show my bro my pandora with grantrusimo 2 playing :) he put so much time into that.

if i can get lylat wars/starfox working on n64 i will be playing that :D