What Emulators Are You Using And Why?


God I'm old.
Jun 9, 2003
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I'm curious as to what emulators people are using on GP32 these days. Mainly because things have changed since I last owned a GP so I'm probably missing some good stuff here and there.

Since I got my BLU a few days ago, I've been using:

Atari 800 - 60fps full speed, highly compatable, save states, very complete. Even has chatboard support. This is the most perfect emu on GP32 IMO.

GPEngine - so good, yet so unfinished. *sigh* Could've been perfect. Oh well.

GPvGB 0.11 - aside from the horrible sound, it's pretty good. Sad it's never been updated for faster clock speeds or better sound. Some compatability issues too, and no save states, just SRAM saves (which is good).

fGB32 - good, a bit slow with stretching tho. If only settings were saved, you have to redo the video and sync settings every time. :/ Better compatability than GPvGB (i.e. Mario Golf works).

Is there a "perfect" GB emu? I read in one of the pinned threads that GB emulation on GP32 was now "perfect", am I missing an emu here?

LJGP - very good NES emu, but not as good as its Zodiac version unfortunately. But the GP32 has better controls than the Z so...

I haven't yet tried Genesis or SNES emus. That's next.
DrMD for Genesis - works great on a lot of games, but no saving yet (it's still being developed)
LittleJohn for NES
fMSX32 for MSX emulation
fGB32 for Gameboy/Gameboy Color
fSMS32 for Sega Master System/Game Gear
fCOL32 for Coleco
VCS32 for Atari 2600
PCEngine for Batman, After Burner 2, Bomberman, and Galaga '90
You have pretty much covered it. I use the same versions that you do, except GPvGB 0.11 I have never tried that one.

fSMS is pretty close to perfect except it has the split screen bug. It is easy to fix as you just go to the menu then back to the game and it is fixed for awhile. Rlyeh has said that he still plans on finishing up his GP32 emus before he moves over to Zodiac stuff so if that holds, these have a good chance of really becomming perfect.

Colem is pretty close to perfect except for a few games that don't run, or the missing noise channel. It is the best for the GP32. fCol has timing probs and runs too fast.

DrMD is a great Genesis emu, it will run at full speed w/z80 sound with a very low FS. at 156. Not everything runs but I think that is likely due to the Cyclone bug, not the emu. No stretching is needed for full screen so that isn't an issue. The only thing lacking are saves, and the gamma is a bit off on the BLU giving a grey background rather than black. Itis still WIP so those things may get fixed. Still it is much better than I thought possible on the GP32.

Frodo is good too I still use the non save state version though because the newer releases broke the sound and it now pops.

I don't think that there are any that are 100% perfect, but they are still real good.
DrMD is a great Genesis emu, it will run at full speed w/z80 sound with a very low FS. at 156. Not everything runs but I think that is likely due to the Cyclone bug, not the emu. No stretching is needed for full screen so that isn't an issue. The only thing lacking are saves, and the gamma is a bit off on the BLU giving a grey background rather than black. Itis still WIP so those things may get fixed. Still it is much better than I thought possible on the GP32.

Yup I can play Sonic 3 + Knuckles and also Sonic 3D Blast Perfectly.
Exept for the no saving issue. Hope the next version has save states! :D
On My Gp32 I Emulate:

Sega Genesis, because i grew up playing it. I use Fgen, but id switch to using drmd if it had saves and zip support.

Nintendo Entertainment System because NES PWNS! And i used to play my aunts NES back when i was a little kid. I use LittleJohn 0.4, its prety much perfect for me, except i wish it had better buffering because it makes lines and stuff when scroling in games sometimes, Which makes my eyes hurt a bit.

Sega Master System/GameGear because theres some good games for it that i love. Like Spaceharrier! I use Fsms its almost perfect except my save states getting messed up some times and the screen splitting bug.

Gameboy One of my friends pawned my games that he was borrowing!! :angry: I use Fgb, it could use a little bit of improvement in speed, and an autoframeskip option.

SNES So i can play chronotrigger, Megaman X, and many other great games. I use OpenSnes because its the best Snes emu we have.

PCengine There are some great shooters for this, and pinball games! I use Gpengine because its nearly perfect!

Yeah, gp32_console Is Excellent!!!!
I like the new SMS emu from 16days - it runs some things better - and it supports things like the parallax scrolling in some games, it also has that great interface.

Anyway chaps, i'm off to north america (to do the DS deal), GBAX will be left in the hands of the staff and i'll see you all at the end of next week.


You mean Masterlator, yeah it's really excellent! I just tried it last night and was very impressed. Quality.

Only things it needs to be perfect are options to turn off or change the border art, some scaling modes (mainly for GG) and a few minor compatability tweaks (i.e. Ecco the Dolphin does't start up). Also digitized sound effects don't play (no emus seem to support that yet on GP32), but it's not at all a big deal. Don't need to hear a scratchy "SEGA!" voice when Sonic loads up, but hey, it'd be cool. :P

Masterlator could definitely be in the "perfect" realm soon. Mr. Nowak, don't stop working on it please!
Atari800 -- my first machine so obviously close to my heart, always on my SMC.
castaway -- my next computer (a couple of consoles before though)
Masterlator -- seems to run nearer correct speed than fSMS
DRMD -- excellent, never had a Megadrive so it opens up a whole new list of games
Frodo -- never had a C64 either so trying a few games, seems quite a machine.

That's it, tried fMSX, fColem, etc., but I never really 'got in to' these systems.