What does your Pandora's desktop look like? Share screenshots here!

So the image I originally planned on using didn't work too well. The dark grey smoke and black background didn't contrast enough. So I've changed to this instead. My desktop is minimalistic. I really like it :)

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@hideki - That is snazzy and I like it. I really should get around to doing something like that with my own Pandora (but I'm so set in my ways with how I navigate, that I'm not sure if it's worth doing right now :lol: ).
Apologies for the slight bump. It's just that I changed my desktop background for the first time in ages, and wanted to post a snapshot of it.

I never did do any tweaking of the desktop, like some other folks have, though. :P

Hello all ! You'r Pandora's desktop are awesome :lol:

Here's what mine is able to do about only one week of use :D


Here goes:

Once again, thank Linux-SWAT for making the Slackware rootfs, it's fantastic!

Finally, (almost) all of my favorite applications are with me wherever I go.