What does the bundle include?


Still Fresh
Aug 20, 2011
Hello, Mario from argentina here.

I have a few questions:

- Whats the warranty of the pandora?

-What software comes pre installed?

-Are all the software in packages ready to be installed in the pandora? just lioke in ubuntu? (sorry if im talking crap here, im not a a linux buff)

- If I use one of those external usb powered hard drives (e.g. 500 gigas), how does this affect power consumption? Are there any tests on how long battery life lasts using one of these drives? lets say, not using it intensively, just load games and transferring small amounts of media. On the other hand, lets say, playing a movie from it using the TV out.

-Is there some kind of protective rubber case or a pouch to carry it safely while travelling?

- Can I install programs on the external hard drive, or do I need a SDHC card that stays always inside, just like a hard drive on a PC?

Maybe you can give me a hint on how "removable drives" (the SDHC cards) functionality works on the pandora concerning installed programs.

-Whats the sound driver like? Does it have a small latency option like asio4all, to plug a USB music keybord and use the pandora as a sampler? BTW is the any tested sequencer-multitrack or standalone sinthesizer tested on the pandora?


When Pandora 2 comes out, would you still be producing "Pandora 1" for an economy option? Or will you go with the "old is trash" philosophy? (im not planning on buying a pandora right now, since it depends on raising the cash and havin some travelling friend bring it here)

Im very happy that someone actually took the time, effort and risk to do this thing so cool, I think it's top-notch and state-of-the-art ;)


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Hello, Mario from argentina here.I have a few questions:

- Whats the warranty of the pandora?

It comes with a standard 12 month warranty

-What software comes pre installed?

It comes with all the standard stuff; calculator, text editor, image viewer, etc.

-Are all the software in packages ready to be installed in the pandora? just lioke in ubuntu? (sorry if im talking crap here, im not a a linux buff)

Almost all downloads come in .pnd files, these are just click and play files, even simpler than .exes.

- If I use one of those external usb powered hard drives (e.g. 500 gigas), how does this affect power consumption? Are there any tests on how long battery life lasts using one of these drives? lets say, not using it intensively, just load games and transferring small amounts of media. On the other hand, lets say, playing a movie from it using the TV out.

As far as I know the only ones that work are the ones with external power adapters.

- Can I install programs on the external hard drive, or do I need a SDHC card that stays always inside, just like a hard drive on a PC?

Maybe you can give me a hint on how "removable drives" (the SDHC cards) functionality works on the pandora concerning installed programs.

If you do use a hard drive with an external power supply, you can do this, but it will of course affect the portability of the device.
1. One year warranty

2. Only the basics to start up a graphical desktop, there isn't really much software pre-installed.

3. There is a repository-like system under development. Also you can just transfer it to a special folder on a removable media and that'll "install" the program. Not all software can be installed this way, but most software unexperienced users would care about anyway.

4. Some 2.5" drives will work with a unpowered hub, but that'll cut your battery life in half, if not more. 1.8" drives will probably work fine, not sure how they impact battery life though.

5. Yes, any removable media can have programs installed on them.

6. Plug in it, programs shows up in menu. Unplug it, programs disappear. Although it's highly recommended to "unmount" any removable storage before unplugging it, and for that, all programs running from it needs to be closed.
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wow very thnkful for the haste replies...

i added a couple more questions, regarding a protective case and audio drivers, if you dont mind answering.
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ThANKS a bunch!

Does Pandora have ALSA configured for low latency?
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