What Can Your Gp2x Clock To?

What speed can your GP2x clock to?

  • 200-210 o_O!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 211-220

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  • 221-230

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  • 231-240

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  • 241-250

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  • 251-260

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  • 261-265

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  • 266-270

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  • 271-274

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  • 275-279

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  • 280-284

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 285-289

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 290+ (wow!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Sep 14, 2005
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Just wondering. Mine is 278 stable, 289 is the highest, but the bottom right corner gets graphically corrupted.
PSyMastR posted on Feb 5 2006 at 07:38 PM said:
Just wondering. Mine is 278 stable, 289 is the highest, but the bottom right corner gets graphically corrupted.

300 stable, but at 305 it crashes within 10mins of playtime :P
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i can get 270 but higher than that it crashes after a while and i get angry because i didnt save my game of secret of mana2 :P
About 275 for me
lol I can't believe someone clicked 200-210. Poor bastard ;)
275 is stable for me. I can get it over 290 but (only tested this with gngeo) it crashes back to menu within about 10 mins.
I can overclock to 299 on a PSU for about 20-30 minutes. Then again, it crashed while playing SquidgeSNES and that crashes an awful lot for me. In fact, every time I play it I only put it down because it crashes after 20 minutes :(
Ryan posted on Feb 6 2006 at 08:19 PM said:
Isn't 266 the stock speed? Running mine at that.


thelamer posted on Feb 6 2006 at 07:09 AM said:
Are their any programs ( like the ati tools ) that can safely detect how overclocked your gp2x can be , before it delta's??

If not any devs interested ??

Over-overclocking doesn't fry the CPU, only crashes it. Though, if it usually runs at 200, and you try 500 right away, dunno what might happen. ;)
But try 210 for awhile, then 220 etc. When it refuces to even exit the tweaker anymore, lessen the OC, untill you find the top working one.

Mine goes to 292 stable, depending on powersource. Not sure what I'd get with good alkalines or AC/DC.
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Jarska333 posted on Feb 6 2006 at 07:44 PM said:
Ryan posted on Feb 6 2006 at 08:19 PM said:
Isn't 266 the stock speed? Running mine at that.

If memory serves, GPH clocked down the processers from 266 to 200 to save battery power. (But some peoples don't seem to clock that high, I could be wrong)
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Well, long ago, and supposedly still, chipmakers would make 1000 chips, then test run them at different speeds, then sell each of them as whatever the top speed was for a particular chip. Or whatever there was demand for.

So, GPH's chip may be rated 200, but might go higher.
people need to mention if their unit is a 1st or second edition, as the 1st editions have heat pads, an dthe 2nd editions do not, however i put some pads from my dreamcast in my 2nd edition and i can now OC to 270 (previously 255)
Off the record they are all supposed to goto at least 249mhz, but to be on the safe side 200mhz is the 'out the box' speed.
What's all this thermal heat pad business? The 2x I got back is a second edition, and apparently bereft of these overclocking catalysts. Can anyone put up a screen shot of what they are, or maybe how to put some in there to overclock higher?

Also, I reach 266 stable and 272 for about 10 minutes.
mine seems to vary, will underclock to 99 for ever but 120-125 it will about half the time crash. overclocked to 299 for probbably 10 min without a problem which was awesome then i shut it off
some one tell me what programs OC or tell me how to get Metal Slug to work on gnneo, jsut says I ahve the wrong romsets, the script points to the right files and everything :(
Did anyone try a variation of the GP32 pencil trick yet? ;)

- Alex