What are your favourite puzzle games


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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I haven't heard that much about what puzzle games people play, and as it's my favourite genre, I thought I'd list mine.

1. Atomino on CaSTaway
2. Boxyboy on GPEngine
3. Deflektor on CaSTaway
4. Nova on Frodo
5. Shanghai on GPGames
6. Puzznic on LittleJohn
7. Pipe Dream on CaSTaway
8. Bombuzal on Frodo
9. QueDex on Frodo
10. Columns (not found best version yet)

This is my definitive list, I may find others I've forgotten and I'll add them if I do.

Would love to hear some others especially the less known ones..... :rolleyes:
I like Marios Picross on fGB. I do find Tetris to be unplayable on the GP32 though, due to the controld stick making it too easy to accidently press down. Best to stick to the real GB for that one.
You are all missing the fantastic Delta Warp on NGPC its the only game i could get to work on my GP32, the game picks up at about level 3.1 if you hang in till then you will love it.
o yeah, bubble bobble should have been on my list, I play it on the BGC but the SNES version is ok if a little slow. There's also one for the gamegear which is pretty good.

definately be checking out delta warp at some point :P
Dozer posted on Dec 4 2003 at 05:03 PM said:
skysnapper posted on Dec 4 2003 at 04:33 PM said:
Puzzle bobble on the GB :D

is it available on any other systems?
I prefer it on the snes emu. works v wel on it even with sound.
The snes version is the worst I've ever played, I stick with the gb version, shame we have no neo-geo emu...
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BAKU BAKU ANIMAL....by sega....i played on the saturn...but i think there is a gamegear version.....don't know if it work's on my gp32?
tetris attack on snes (plays great on SnesEmu) - this game is wonderful, really damned addictive. it looks cutesy and a little dull when youfirst load it up, don't let it detract you - it's had me hooked for hours and hours. For awhile my GP32 was "the Tetris Attack machine"

Also very fun (and odd) is Gomola Speed on GPengine. Gfx are a little off (the status bar is supposed to be at the top, not the bottom!) but it's absolutely irrelevant during play, a very well done game.

Another game that plays excellent on Snesemu (fullspeed!) is On the Ball/Cameltry by Taito, you are a little ball and you rotate the screen/maze around it (mode 7) to get to the goal and avoid traps - it sounds kinda dopey but it's a lot of fun and plays perfect on GP32.
Not exactly a puzzle game, but damn good game despite that is any game based on the puzzle bobble format.

I keep meaning to dig some out and have a go on the GP32.

I think I'll do that now!

A new addition to my list of brain teasers:

zenji on fcol32

how smart is this game?- not much to look at; granted but it's so addictive
I've discovered some more gems since I got my hands on opensnes9x:

Lost vikings - missed this first time round, but it's really good fun
kirbys avalanche - tetris like thing but quite good
troddlers - bit like solomons key but nice interface and pretty addictive

tried delta warp on ngpc but it's a bit bonkers, couldn't work out what to do....