What are you playing this weekend/these days?

I’m playing;
God of War ~ this game is completely brain dead. Sucks shit.
Mario Kart Wii (ctgp, wiimfi) ~ I must admit after all these years, this just might be my most played series.
Perfect Dark (n64) - the best game with the worst controls.
Inertial Drift (ps4) - nice game with dual analog drifting. Seems incomplete though
Up next: Metroid Prime
I've been playing Fallout 1&2 on my phone thanks to the Android port of Fallout CE.

I've finished the first one. I realized I only remembered half the game so I wonder if I really had finished it when I first played it a few months after its release.
It's still fun, it still has a few obvious problems. What surprised me was how barebones it feels, especially at the beginning, and how it's really a middle step between the older cRPGs like Ultima and the ones that will come after.

I'm now playing the second one, which feels much more fleshed out and adresses some of the most glaring problems of the first game. I remember that there were some players who felt that the second game was too wacky, with too many pop-culture references, leading to a wildly different tone from the first game but playing them back to back I don't have this impression at all. The wackiness was already in the first one and on the pop culture references are mostly anecdotical. It does have a different tone, but I think it's more because the world has changed. While the first game was set in a Wasteland with a few scattered groups of survivors, the second one is set in a Wasteland with established communities that have been around for some time.
How do you use that on an N64?
I suppose you don't. Using a mouse and keyboard and getting better FPS does sound good though.

Edit: oh, wait. It does build a ROM. Is there something like Everdrive for the N64? Sounds like it would work on the console and not just using an emulator.

Checksum is as expected. WOW.

This is a ... game changer.
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Just finished Metro Exodus' main story again. Got the good ending this time. Quite the difference playing it on highest details and 1080p with 3-digit FPS, instead of low and 720p on the old GPU. This game does still look absolutely fabulous. The photogrammetry, facial and motion capture, and the lighting and VFX really bring this world to life. Maybe some day I'll have a card capable of ray tracing and 4k, then I'll give this another go. It'll surely move me to tears again with its pathos. What an adventure!
I saw some Gameplay Stuff this Weekend to "Derail Valley Simulator" and i had to buy this:
Its some sort of an OpenWorld Train Simulator, but whit an Twist: It was made originally for VR Glasses, so you can controll everything quite immersive: you can use every Controllpanel or Dial on your Locomotive like you would in real life, so to acelerate or break you have to use the dial, it dosnt work like on an normal Car Game whit W and S or the Gamepad...
Also you can move freely on your train, so you could in theory even Surf your own Train ^^ Also cool is that some Locomotives got an Remote Controll so you can Controll them from Outside to couple them to the Cars or you can even stand on one car and controll it from there..
Unlike the Train Simulator Classic, which dosnt work on GPD Win Mini, its runs at least whit 30 fps . downside is that you cant really play it in Handheld Mode, it would work somehow but its much more easy whit Keyboard and Mouse..

There are even some steam locomotives, these are a bit more dificult to get running, and i did not found out yet how.. i would suspect i have to shovel coal, light an fire, wait for enough steam pressure, and then turn some valves.. they even can burst in this game .. there is a nice Physics Engine..
Finished the main storyline of FF XV. I'm not sure I'd recommend it. There isn't much strategy involved in the combat apart from picking a damage type your enemies are weak to. Mainly reflexes and proper positioning are what counts. When you don't fight in the open or in large rooms you also have to fight the camera. Groups of quick enemies can be a real pain because of the camera on one hand, and just the sheer number of attacks you have to (auto) dodge, some of which come swooping in from off-screen. There's a big bunch of mundane, boring side quests that send you out to kill groups of enemies in the wilderness. The flavour texts are different, but it's all the same in the end and most of the time there are no meaningful or interesting rewards.

The highlights of the game are definitely its main characters and the believable buddy-banter between the boys. I also very much enjoyed not walking into invisible random fights - something I loathe nowadays.
Just finished MASS EFFECT 3

It was an AWESOME experience !! At some point the epicness of the plot became so high that my brain went overflow !!

A little comparison about the trilogy first, because the best comes out if played together:

MASS EFFECT 1 -> Action RPG Open World game, with a lot of exploration (it was made maybe a little too big for the actual content)
MASS EFFECT 2 -> Action, mission based game, with some fixed open locations and a lot of dialogs and interactions with NPC
MASS EFFECT 3 -> Story driven game with a HUGE quantity of cinematic, dialogs, and many action missions

The strongest point of this serie is the story and the deepness of the characters involved.

Also, another great thing of this serie is how almost every choice has consequences, not only on the game you are playing, but also on the next ones.
I have seen a similar thing in many games, but never at this level... even "The Witcher" serie was taking into consideration only some major choices from previous games, but with "MASS EFFECT" almost everything you have done on the first game, is maintained till the third game, even if only as an email that thanks you for something, but also as additional scenes or additional alliances for the main story.
I mean, I almost feel the need to replay the first game just to see what changes in the third one !!

The story of "MASS EFFECT 3" is essentially a preparation for a final battle of galactic proportions, and the final session of the game is really emotional.

In some future I will happily play again the trilogy with different choices, and maybe a different sex too... I feel there are a lot of things that I have missed.

For now I'm starting MASS EFFECT: Andromeda, that, as far as I know, it's not directly related to the previous games.
I just completed Perfect Dark. And without modifying the source code to make the aiming more to my liking. The game really really impressed me thanks to you for recommending it. I haven’t retried levels so many times since my NES days. It’s also one of the only FPS I have played but now I want more…strafing! I love the vibe of the game. I now want to play Goldeneye but maybe Metroid Prime will come first.
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Playing Persona 5 Royal on Switch. The presentation is a good bit too teenager-oriented for my taste and the life scheduling is way too oversimplified - I don't like that you automatically end up back home in the evening after a meet up somewhere else in Tokyo or that you cannot read a book while sitting next to the public washing machine or using multiple washers at once for instance.
But the characters and story easily make up for that. I'm over 40 h in and there's no end in sight - well ingame it's the beginning of June (started with April) and I know it goes to January (I think).
Your an outcast (for having a criminal record) highschooler new in Tokyo moonlighting in supernatural endevours to free others, who are under the thumb of the emotionally distorted in positions of power. And between school and the moonlighting you have to manage your social life and your self-development.
Thanks to the socialising and school life or outside of the action - if you will - it doesn't get boring since there's an ongoing story there. The only grindy part is Memento. It's good for money and somewhat for XP, but it doesn't seem to be too mandatory to go there, so far.
Playing Persona 5 Royal on Switch. The presentation is a good bit too teenager-oriented for my taste and the life scheduling is way too oversimplified - I don't like that you automatically end up back home in the evening after a meet up somewhere else in Tokyo or that you cannot read a book while sitting next to the public washing machine or using multiple washers at once for instance.
But the characters and story easily make up for that. I'm over 40 h in and there's no end in sight - well ingame it's the beginning of June (started with April) and I know it goes to January (I think).
Your an outcast (for having a criminal record) highschooler new in Tokyo moonlighting in supernatural endevours to free others, who are under the thumb of the emotionally distorted in positions of power. And between school and the moonlighting you have to manage your social life and your self-development.
Thanks to the socialising and school life or outside of the action - if you will - it doesn't get boring since there's an ongoing story there. The only grindy part is Memento. It's good for money and somewhat for XP, but it doesn't seem to be too mandatory to go there, so far.
Did you also play Persona 4 Golden?
It's also available on Switch I see: https://www.nintendo.com/nl-nl/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Persona-4-Golden-2232935.html
P4G did also got an Release on PSVITA ^^
Was playing this weekend another big round of Derail Valley on Win Mini, not that serious Gameplay as i dont think i would be able to navigate in these Trainstations, its needs some plan to chose the right directions, there is no "GPS System", you have to know how to read these Rail Plans
Maybe next weekend..
Nope. Maybe after - as a prequel (to me that is).
I used my PS Vita for a long time but never got the game there. It's supposed to be one of the best games on the Vita. It was a port of the PS2 game.
So I don't know how great both games are on the Switch. But I assume Persona 5 is great to. Limited Run had P4 but I was too late, so waiting for it's release now where I might get a copy. And P5 will be on my list if I really enjoy P4.