What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Impossible Mission is one my fave games. I've completed it on a number of formats (without cheating). I even worked on a remake several years ago -

WIP screenie

Why was it abandoned?
Impossible Mission is one my fave games. I've completed it on a number of formats (without cheating). I even worked on a remake several years ago -

WIP screenie

Why was it abandoned?
The graphic artist got bored after completing about half the rooms. Pretty much everything was done except for the main character. The game was playing really nicely too - all elements were in and working, including multiple droid AI routines (as can be seen with the "Behave=5" tag on the robot (out of about 10 different behaviours). :(
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The graphic artist got bored after completing about half the rooms. Pretty much everything was done except for the main character. The game was playing really nicely too - all elements were in and working, including multiple droid AI routines (as can be seen with the "Behave=5" tag on the robot (out of about 10 different behaviours). :(
This game has so many fans around here, that it must be possible to finish it.
I no longer code in BlitzMax and the development lappy died two years ago. Luckily I haven't lost any of the code or media - it's still on the old HD, which is now an external drive. I would have to re-code it, but that shouldn't be too difficult - my coding is very modular and generally well commented.
Impossible Mission is one my fave games. I've completed it on a number of formats (without cheating). I even worked on a remake several years ago -

WIP screenie

 Why was it abandoned?
The graphic artist got bored after completing about half the rooms. Pretty much everything was done except for the main character. The game was playing really nicely too - all elements were in and working, including multiple droid AI routines (as can be seen with the "Behave=5" tag on the robot (out of about 10 different behaviours). :(
Pricey, we already talked about this 6 or 7 years ago on GP32x, remember?

Impossible Mission.
It's been quite a while since I last finished it (without cheating, of course)
Same here and I felt bad for cheating, actually.

I'm all for it!

If you need any sound samples, I'm happy to help!
I'm still waiting on sound and music (as promised) for the Pandora Picross game I wrote at your request... ;)

Pricey, we already talked about this 6 or 7 years ago on GP32x, remember?
Yep. But that was a different forum. Topics can come up more than once on the internet, ya know. Just saying... :) :P

And if it was 6 or 7 years ago, I think I've waited long enough to repeat it! :P

[EDIT] Here's the original thread over at GP32X - http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?/topic/63452-seven-new-caanoo-games-uploaded-to-the-archive/#entry967694from October 2012.
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Some god old Gameboy Tetris on Pandora (8Blitter Emulator) whyle i was at the Barber Shop (is this the right Name for the Shop, where they cut your Hear?? ) whyle i waitet for the Heavy Rain to gone away..

Then i went home whyle the rain wasnt that much..

Next time i carry my Jacket when there is that dark sky..
Postal 1 and 2 I just clocked 100 hours on postal 2 in steam by the way the devolopers said on tweeter they're planning to release the source code of postal 1 and a pandorian already said he/she would port it to our beloved device... I wonder who he/she is :3

Still waiting for that source code ;-)
I guess they have to remove all the porn and horror stories as well as the swastikas and satanic symbols hidden in it first, could take a while.