What are you playing this weekend/these days?


Have just defeated my first yellow fat bastard ghost.
Great game I just wish I could save progress instead of waiting until the chapter/mission is finished.

Doing a No Djinn/No Summons run: djinn are always on standby and I do not use summons. I just got the boat.
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Finished Halo (shitty game) and

Zelda - Oracle of Ages (fine game) and

Splice (nice!),

now playing Zelda - Oracle of Seasons,

Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay and

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Finished Halo (shitty game)
What did you dislike about it ?
Let's find a few points:

You don't see anything new throughout the game.

Very few different weapons, vehicles and characters/enemies which you already have in the first few missions,

besides those awful zombies (why do there have to be zombies everywhere nowadays?).

The zombie missions are a pain in the ass, because there are several situations were they keep coming forever until you just storm through,

but if you run through in the wrong situations (were there is no infinity of respawns), you are surrounded immediately. This in combination with few ammo is bad.

Infinite respawns are a bad idea in a campaign in general and then being inconsistent with it is just not good.

Not being able to play the aliens and not having any bots in multiplayer (ctf etc..) sucks too, the AI in the campaign is quite good, why didn't they use it?

The story is lame, the design is flawed and not done with much love. It has Microsoft written all over it.

Maybe the graphics were good back then, but I do not care as much for them and that's always the thing that defines the aging of games, so you should never rely on it.

Having vehicles and a combination of indoor and outdoor missions may have struck people back then, but it is not as important as some other basics in game design and "Drakan - Order of the Flame" and some other games had this too already and better executed in addition to that.
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besides those awful zombies (why do there have to be zombies everywhere nowadays?).
Well back in 2001 there wasn't much of a Zombie game invasion like there is now, hell the big invasion of WWII shooters was still in it's infancy back then.. 
I'm not a huge Halo fan, but perhaps you are expecting too much from a 13 year old game. 
Let's find a few points:

You don't see anything new throughout the game.
While I certaily disagree with you in some points, thanks for giving me an insight.

Currently I'm trying to "die" myself through SpaceQuest 1(Non Remake) to 3 (on the Pandora of course), failed miserable at it when I was a kid.
Darksiders on the PC, slowly working my way through the amassed humble bundles.

And still having lots of fun playing BF3 with two friends a few times a week, I finally worked up a positive k/d and good objective per minute score after failing hard for quite some time :) still depends on the game mode and maps I am used to though, CTF and Domination are my favourites... also been using nvidia Shadowplay to record some gameplay on the new PC, rather decent. And I should really learn to fly a jet some of these days!

Tackling Bard's Tale on my mobile now and then and more or less forgot about Eve Online.
Finished both Oracle of Seasons/Ages (and I got the Master Sword!),

Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay

and the standard levels and most of the Epi-levels in Splice.

Now it's mostly The Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena

so far it seems to be a bit better than the first game, let's see how it develops.


And The Binding of Isaac now and then.